View Chat Logs If you want to view the time, details, and transcript for a specific chat, you can do … You can get this URL by uploading the image to the File Manager in Admin, clicking the three dots next … You do not have to select the shortcut (in cases when you want to use the actual word and not the command
Last Updated: 08/07/2023 in Release Notes
This does not effect any current functionality. … This has been corrected so that if a customer service representative selects a different return location … ”: “location1” in the items data block of the Create Order API.
If an item does have a tag name provided in the order, then an associated value must be included as well … To do this, add the tag name as a column header after the default headers and insert the tag value into … However, items do not need to have tags specified in the order data.
Last Updated: 07/30/2024 in User Guides Orders
the language to be changed while in the cart without losing any items or creating a second order. … Admin or API users can edit the order, checkout, and shipments from any of the associated sites. … customer service representative switches sites while creating an order, the new site will maintain the
Last Updated: 08/28/2024 in User Guides Catalog Catalogs
If text does need to be localized, there are no discount codes to match between catalogs. … If they do not require localization, simply make sure to take the delta discounts from Catalog 2 and … When interfacing with APIs, a localizedContent object will contain these details for each locale.
The shippingMethodCode and shippingMethodName fields in the Order Management APIs are not applicable … to pickup orders, only orders being shipped. … Shipping method codes generally include a prefix that indicates the carrier followed by the service type
Last Updated: 02/28/2025 in User Guides Orders Manage Orders
If you do not reserve any inventory in the cart, then a new reservation will be created for the order … If any edits are made to the order items, such as changing quantity, then the system will check whether … API Override You can override the shipment creation site setting for a particular order via the Create
Last Updated: 02/09/2024 in Release Notes
100 when making a GET call to the translated Order API would return a 500 API Transformation Error, … These identifiers are ingested from the Create Order API and flagged as required or optional for the … Pending Review), Payment Error (payment status is flagged as Errored regardless of any other order or
Enter the Master Tracking Number as well as any Packing Tracking Number(s) to identify each individual … If you want to automatically generate a master tracking number for all packages, you can do so by jumping … Select a carrier and enter the usual information for each package such as its service type and dimensions
Last Updated: 03/14/2025 in User Guides Marketing Discounts
You do not want Discount A to be combined with Discount B or any other discount. … By default, order attributes are only captured during checkout and the system does not reprice orders … Note : This type does not display when the discount applies to the whole order.
in the API, and determines whether or not a shipment is able to be fulfilled. … Canceled: If a shipment is canceled at any point in one of the previous flows, it is placed in the Canceled … Errored: An unexpected error occurred during order submission, such as a timeout.
You can sort on any property, date (such as createDate ), or document name. … Use this action to bind an API Extension to a custom route. … current page is requested by a tablet. isDesktop Boolean TRUE if the visitor’s browser does not identify
You can sort on any property, date (such as createDate ), or document name. … current page is requested by a tablet. isDesktop Boolean TRUE if the visitor’s browser does not identify … This action manipulates the HTTP request or response before a page of any type loads on the live site
You can sort on any property, date (such as createDate ), or document name. … current page is requested by a tablet. isDesktop Boolean TRUE if the visitor’s browser does not identify … This action manipulates the HTTP request or response after a page of any type loads on the live site.
Last Updated: 03/04/2024 in Developers Dev Center
Run a Grunt plugin command: What does grunt do and what are the common options you can use with it? … Connects the Core theme Git repository (or any other theme Git repository) to your theme as a remote … API Extension Utility Helpers: Provides a library for running common tasks in API Extension actions.
Prerequisites To begin, you must have the following accounts: Kibo Commerce Account An app integrated … Meet customer expectations by creating experiences where order management data matters. … with Builder For information on how you can integrate Kibo with Builder and create a Kibo storefront
Last Updated: 02/08/2024 in Release Notes
, such as when items do not fit in the same box due to size, weight, or other factors. … ’s production tenant, as attempting to do so resulted in an undefined error instead. … See the translated Order Import API .
This topic provide an overview of the purchase order REST API components. … Unified Commerce's purchase order functionality allows your shoppers to use a purchase order as a payment … You can enable a customer's account to the ability to use purchase orders, as well as specify their specific
Last Updated: 03/09/2023 in User Guides Import/Export
Additionally, files are imported in a specific order for each type of template (the same order as they … As the import service compares the current data with the imported data to check for differences and determine … Import/Export Tool does not process HTML tags during import/export operations.
can dispatch the order at any step in the BPM flow), or Immediate (in which the order is dispatched … work seamlessly with Kibo, make sure that these are configured in your business account: Smart Windows API … Platforms: KCCP eCommerce+OMS Delivery Solutions is a service that provides orchestration for fulfillment