Manage Locations

After creating a location type, you can create a location and associate it with the location type(s) you defined.

You can also manage locations via Kibo's Location Administration APIs

The Locations Page

A list of all locations is displayed on the initial Locations view at Main > Orders > Locations. You can click Create New Location in the top right to add a new location to the list (as documented below), or edit an existing location by clicking the dropdown menu on the right of its entry in the table (which opens the same configuration options as location creation).

The Locations page with a table of example locations

Create a New Location

To create a location:

  1. Go to Main > Orders > Locations.
  2. Click Create New Location.

    The general location settings for creating a new location

  3. From the Location Types drop-down menu, select one or more location types.
  4. From the Fulfillment Types drop-down menu, select one or more fulfillment types the location supports.
  5. Select a Status for the location.
  6. Enter a Name.
  7. Enter a Code.
  8. Enter a physical Address.
  9. Enter a Shipping Origin Contact.
  10. Fill out any other optional details that are appropriate for your location, including any fields for Accurate Fulfillment Dates if you are using them in your implementation (which will be displayed to the right of the standard settings shown below).

    Close-up of additional location configurations

  11. In the Attributes section, enter values for any location attributes that you have created
  12. In the Hours of Operation section, define the time zone that this location operates in and set its opening and closing hours. Your site's theme controls whether this information is exposed on the site storefront.The Hours of Operation section of location settings
  13. In the Carrier Accounts section, identify which account credentials should be used when that location is fulfilling a shipment with that carrier. Type the account name for each listed carrier and select it from the results that appear. 
    • This is useful when there are multiple accounts for one carrier that are dependent on location. However, note that more extensive carrier settings such as a default carrier and supported shipping methods are configured at the location group level.
    • When shipping labels are being generated, carrier account credentials are automatically inherited from a higher level if not specified in the priority of location, then location group, and then site. The "No Carrier Credentials Selected" option here means that this location will fall back to the location group credentials, and then the default site credentials if no location group credentials are specified.Close-up of the carrier account selections for a location
  14. If Fulfillment SLAs are enabled for your implementation, then the SLAs section will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Use the checkboxes to assign one or more SLAs to this location, and use the up and down arrows to adjust the target percentage for each assigned SLA.The SLAs section of location configurations
  15. Click Save.

Duplicate a Location

You can duplicate a location to quickly create new locations that are based off of existing locations.

To duplicate a location:

  1. Go Main > Orders > Locations.
  2. Expand the actions menu next to the location you want to duplicate, and select Duplicate:

    Callout of the Duplicate option in the drop-down menu to the right of a location in the table

  3. In the new location, complete all required fields according to the Create a Location steps.

Disable a Location

You can disable locations from the same More Actions menu shown above. At this time, there is no way to disable locations in bulk or via an automatic process—you should manually disable each location individually.

If you want to disable a location that happens to be set as the default Shipping From location in your site settings, then an error message will be displayed. You should first go to your Shipping Carrier settings and change the Shipping From option to a different location, after which you will be able to successfully disable the original location.

Then, you should go to Order Routing and deactivate the location there. The Admin and Order Routing location statuses are separate, so disabling a location in one UI will not update its status in the other. This can cause discrepancies such as when a location is deactivated in the Admin but still active in Order Routing, where shipments will still be assigned but the location will not be displayed in the Admin's order shipment details. It is recommended to keep your Order Routing and Admin location statuses in sync, though this is currently a manual process.

If a location is fully disabled then it will impact your inventory reporting (such as your exports) and it will not be accessible in the Fulfiller UI, which will prevent any unfulfilled shipments from being processed by your fulfillers. Keep this in mind when choosing to disable a location status. If you wish to temporarily stop assigning to a location but still fulfill any currently-assigned shipments, then you can place the location on hold in Order Routing instead. However, the location must be manually placed on hold for each individual group it is a part of within each route.

Best Practices

  • You can select more than one location type if more than one type applies.
  • You can select more than one fulfillment type if your location supports both direct ship and in-store pick up.
  • Create a unique code for each location.
  • Enter latitude and longitude coordinates in numerical format.
    For example, latitude = 38.8897 and longitude = 77.0089.
  • Select the Location supports inventory checkbox if the location maintains merchandise.
    Optionally, if you want to be able to fulfill items from the location without sufficient on hand stock select Allow fulfillment without stock on hand. Refer to Inventory Management for more information.