What You Can Do With API Extensions
API Extensions are a development framework built by leveraging the Node JS runtime that allows server-side JavaScript applications to execute on the platform. With API Extensions, you can make changes to the platform by manipulating API operations...
Getting Started with API Extensions
API Extensions enable Kibo to run custom functions whenever certain actions occur on the platform. In this tutorial, you learn how to create an application that displays custom shipping rates to shoppers during the checkout process. After comple...
The Structure of an API Extension Application
API Extension applications contain JavaScript files that run custom functions before or after a specific action occurs in Kibo. The available actions are organized into domains that relate to the component they interact with. The following diagram...
Types of Actions
There are two types of API Extension actions: HTTP actions and Embedded actions. HTTP Actions These actions act on the HTTP request-response protocol associated with an API endpoint. That is, they occur before and after an API operation executes...
Programming Patterns
Every action has a mapping to a JavaScript file that contains a custom function. These JavaScript files are named according to the Type.Domain.Action.Occurrence syntax .
The files are grouped in folders organized by the domain the acti...
Action Management JSON Editor
The below image demonstrates how the Action Management JSON Editor empowers users to exert precise control over actions through JSON code. Within Admin, the Action Management JSON Editor allows you to control actions using JSON code. With the Act...
Logging Data
During API Extensions development, it is helpful to use the available logging tools to examine the data your functions are interacting with. The process is simple: expose the places in your code where you want to log data about a particular ...
Testing API Extension Applications
The recommended method of testing API Extension applications is to use the Action Simulator in conjunction with thorough integration testing. Action Simulator The Action Simulator produces a mock context that you can utilize in your API Extens...
API Extension Examples
Use the examples in this topic as a reference point for developing your own custom functionality using API Extensions.
Customer Normalization
This API Extension application limits unnecessary accounts from being created for the sam...
Create a New Tax Integration
You can calculate tax using Avalara and add your own tax engines using either API Extensions or tax calculator capability. If a user needs a service other than Avalara then the following approaches help to integrate your own tax calculator. ...