Configure Shipment Creation

By default, shipments are created immediately upon order submission which means you must make edits to order items and pricing at the shipment level. However, you can change this behavior to delay shipment creation and inventory allocation to a preset time after submission. 

Delaying shipment creation gives your customer service representatives more flexibility to edit orders after submission. This allows you to offer a remorse period, in which orders can be cancelled within a certain time frame with minimal downstream effects. This reduces the rate of item returns and cancellations after shipments are already fulfilled or in the process of being fulfilled. 

When you have configured shipment creation to a later date, future inventory and reservations will still be supported by those shipments. However, there are some special behaviors defined in this guide.

Configure Shipment Creation

The site settings determine when to create the shipment and allocate inventory after order submission. If not configured, shipments will be created immediately. 

Before you can configure shipment creation, you need to submit a Kibo Support request to enable the feature on your tenant. Once enabled:

  1. Go to System > Settings > General > Site > Fulfillment Settings.
  2. Toggle Enable configurable shipment release.
  3. Enter a value for Create shipments _ minutes after order submit. This can be any number between 1-7200.
  4. If desired, enable Reserve inventory when order status is PendingShipment. If enabled, inventory will be reserved when the order is submitted. If disabled, then inventory will be reserved upon shipment creation.
  5. Click Save in the top right.

The Fulfillment site settings with a callout for the configurable shipment options

Pending Shipments Status

When this feature is enabled, orders will be put into the Pending Shipments status upon submission. The Order Confirmation email will be triggered at this time, if enabled. During this status, you will also be able to make edits at the order level such as changing item quantity, pricing, and adding new items. Once shipments are created, the order will move out of Pending Shipments and any further edits must be made at the shipment level instead.

However, this is only supported for orders with a single shipping address. If multi ship is enabled on your tenant, then any orders with more than one shipping address will not be editable. You must wait until shipments are created and then make your edits at the shipment level.

See the Edit Order and Edit Order Items documentation for more information about making updates at both the order and shipment levels.

If an order is in Pending Review status and is accepted, then the system will first look at the shipment creation date of the order. If the date has passed, then the system will release the order and create the shipments. If the date has not yet passed, then the order will not be released from fraud until that date is reached.

Inventory Reservations

There is some special behavior to be aware of when using inventory reservations. If you opted to reserve inventory on the Pending Shipment status:

  • Inventory will automatically be reserved when the order is submitted. If any items were already reserved in the cart, then that reservation will carry over to the order and any additional items will be added to the existing reservation. 
  • If you do not reserve any inventory in the cart, then a new reservation will be created for the order and those items will be reserved while waiting for the shipment(s) to be created.
  • If any edits are made to the order items, such as changing quantity, then the system will check whether the Reserve Inventory when order status is pending shipment setting is enabled and whether the changed item is part of the existing reservation. If either of these are true, the reservation will be updated.

If you opted to not reserve inventory on the Pending Shipment status, but you do reserve inventory in the cart: 

  • The cart reservation will still carry over to the order and be reserved upon shipment creation (which is the default behavior without the Pending Shipment setting enabled) but any additional unreserved items will not be added to the existing reservation. 
  • If new item(s) are added to the order, the system will check whether to add them to the reservation or not based on the Reserve Inventory when order status is pending shipment setting. If this setting is enabled, then the new item(s) will be added to the existing reservation.

API Override

You can override the shipment creation site setting for a particular order via the Create Order API and Update Order API. This is useful in cases such as if your shipments are set to be delayed for one day but you know you won't be able to fulfill them for another two days. In that case, you can delay the shipment creation by an extra day either upon order creation or after the order has been created.

This top-level field is called shipmentCreationOffset in the API request, as found in the below example. The value determines the amount of minutes that shipment creation is delayed by, and can be -1 or any number between 1 and 7200. If -1, then the shipment delay will be bypassed and shipments will be immediately created without sending the order into the Pending Shipment status.

 "shipmentCreationOffset": 1440,
 "version": "1",
 "isPartialOrder": false,
 "availableActions": [
 "customerAccountId": 1000,
 "isTaxExempt": false,
 "email": "",
 "ipAddress": "",
 "type": "Offline",
 "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
 "returnStatus": "None",
 "isEligibleForReturns": false,
 "totalCollected": 0,
 "attributes": [],
 "shippingDiscounts": [],
 "handlingDiscounts": [],
 "handlingTotal": 0,
 "fulfillmentStatus": "NotFulfilled",
 "isFulfillable": false,
 "submittedDate": "2023-02-24T11:51:09.690Z",
 "releaseShipmentDate": "2023-02-23T21:31:09.690Z",
 "acceptedDate": "2023-02-24T12:04:45.253Z",
 "notes": [],
 "items": [
   "id": "194d203d2e784268ac05afb300c33ed8",
   "fulfillmentLocationCode": "Loc1",
   "fulfillmentMethod": "Ship",
   "isReservationEnabled": false,
   "lineId": 1,
   "product": {
    "mfgPartNumber": "SP_01",
    "sku": "SP_01",
    "fulfillmentTypesSupported": [
    "options": [],
    "properties": [],
    "categories": [],
    "price": {
     "price": 10
    "discountsRestricted": false,
    "isTaxable": true,
    "productType": "standard",
    "productUsage": "Standard",
    "bundledProducts": [],
    "productCode": "SP_01",
    "name": "SP_01",
    "goodsType": "Physical",
    "isPackagedStandAlone": false,
    "stock": {
     "manageStock": true,
     "isOnBackOrder": false,
     "stockAvailable": 75,
     "aggregateInventory": 0,
     "isSubstitutable": false
    "measurements": {
     "height": {
      "unit": "in",
      "value": 1
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      "unit": "in",
      "value": 1
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      "unit": "in",
      "value": 1
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      "unit": "lbs",
      "value": 1
    "fulfillmentStatus": "PendingFulfillment"
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   "shippingTotal": 0,
   "feeTotal": 0,
   "total": 10,
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    "extendedAmount": 10,
    "listAmount": 10
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   "shippingDiscounts": [],
   "auditInfo": {
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   "weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax": 0,
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    "stateOrProvince": "CA",
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    "addressType": "Residential",
    "isValidated": false
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 "hasDraft": false,
 "isImport": false,
 "isHistoricalImport": false,
 "isUnified": true,
 "couponCodes": [],
 "invalidCoupons": [],
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 "amountRefunded": 0,
 "readyToCapture": false,
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 "handlingTaxTotal": 0,
 "itemTaxTotal": 0,
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 "total": 25,
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 "lastValidationDate": "2023-02-24T11:50:53.798Z",
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   "subjectType": "StateChange.WorkflowAction",
   "success": true,
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   "subjectType": "shipment.create",
   "subject": "Shipments created",
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   "id": "fa0ef0cfe8554d6398adafb300c70f52",
   "correlationId": "",
   "subjectType": "StateChange.WorkflowAction",
   "success": true,
   "identifier": "14f9028614d09a0001bbaedc00004856",
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   "verb": "Applied",
   "message": "Workflow action succeeded.",
   "metadata": [
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   "createDate": "2023-02-24T12:04:45.282Z"
 "extendedProperties": [],
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 "auditInfo": {
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