Shipping Settings


Shipping Settings Overview
Go to System > Settings > Shipping to set up your shipping settings. Use this topic to learn about the following shipping options available to you. Zones : Allows you to divide the globe into geographical regions where the same shipping m...
Shipping Zones
Shipping zones allow you to divide the globe into geographical regions where the same shipping methods and rates apply for all addresses. Kibo eCommerce comes with default shipping zones. You can create other shipping zones with regular expressi...
Product Shipping Rules
After you set up shipping zones, you can create product rules, which are regular expressions that target various product properties. Product rules are optional, but they can help you control shipping. However, note that these are required with an eC...
Shipping Carriers
The Kibo Composable Commerce Platform supports several shipping carriers that can be integrated for fulfillment. If an administrator has an associated account with a particular carrier, then they can enter those credentials to be applied to se...
Shipping Methods and Fees
After you set up carriers and create shipping zones and product rules, you can create your shipping methods, product fees, and order fees. Create Shipping Methods Go to System > Settings > Shipping > Methods . Select the site you want t...
Shipping Extensibility
Shipping Extensibility allows you to create your own shipping carrier integration by creating an application in the Kibo Dev Center, configuring that application with shipping integration details, and then installing that application in your ten...