Payment Type Dashboard

The Payment Type dashboard breaks down metrics by specific payment types, displaying performance for a particular payment type or comparing performance across multiple types. This can be viewed under the payments topic at Kibo Standard Reports > Payments > Payment Type Dashboard in the navigation menu. 

The Payment Details dashboard with graphs and pie charts

The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:

Site NameRestrict results to one or more of your sites.All
Order Payment Created DateLimit results to only payments attempted within this time range.Past five weeks

The measures that are calculated by this dashboard are:

Total Amount RequestedSum of amount requested for all order payments.
Total Amount CollectedSum of amount collected for all order payments.
Total Amount DueThe total amount requested minus the total amount collected.
Average Order ValueThe order total divided by the valid order count.

The tiles that make up this dashboard are:

Total Amount RequestedThe total amount requested for all order payments.
Total Amount CollectedThe total amount collected for all order payments. Progress bar shows the total amount collected as a percentage of the total amount requested.
Total Amount DueThe total amount due for all order payments. Progress bar shows the total amount due as a percentage of the total amount requested.
Payment Attempts By Payment TypeCount of payment attempts for each payment type.
Total Collected By Payment TypeThe total amount collected for each payment type.
AOV By Payment TypeThe average order value for each payment type.
Payment Type SummaryThe count of payment attempts, total amount collected, and average order value for each payment type.
Percentage Of Payment Attempts By Payment TypeThe count of payments attempts for each payment type as a percentage of the total count of payment attempts for all payment types.
Percentage Of Revenue By Payment TypeThe total amount collected for each payment type as a percentage of the total amount collected for all payment types.