When certain status changes or actions are performed on subscriptions, they trigger customer email notifications and/or KCCP event notifications.
Customer Emails
You can enable or disable email notifications in your System > Settings > General email options, under the list of emails titled Subscription. While default email templates are provided, they can be customized via the site theme.
Emails are triggered when:
- A subscription changes status to Active, Paused, Cancelled, or Errored.
- The subscription frequency or Next Order Date is updated.
- The shipping address or shipping method is changed.
- The payment method is changed.
- Subscription items are added, removed, or have their quantity changed.
- The next subscription order is skipped.
- A continuity order date is upcoming and a reminder is sent in advance.
- A subscription is paused and reminders are periodically sent to remind the customer that they can reactivate it.
- A subscription's pause limit has been reached and the subscription will be automatically reactivated soon.
Event Notifications
Event notifications are different from customer emails, as they are payloads of data that are sent to a JSON endpoint or custom application instead of the shopper. There are two types of event notifications generated for subscriptions.
- Subscription Status Changed: Triggered when a subscription changes status to Active, Paused, Cancelled, or Errored.
- Subscription Payment Updated: Triggered when a subscription's payment method is updated.
See the events documentation for more information about event notifications and how these payloads are formatted, as they follow a standardized template.