The Return view provides dimensions and measures related to returned items, refunds, and replacements.
The measures calculated by this view are:
Name | Measure Type | Description |
Average Product Loss Total | Average | Average of total product loss for all returns. |
Average Return Loss | Average | Average of the sum of total product loss and total shipping loss. |
Average Refund Amount | Average | Average of refund amount for all returns. |
Average Shipping Loss Total | Average | Average of of shipping loss total for all returns. |
Returned Order Count | Count | Count of all orders with an associated return. |
Return Count | Count | Count of all returns. |
Total Product Loss Total | Sum | Sum of product loss total for all returns. |
Total Refund Amount | Sum | Sum of refund amount for all returns. |
Total Return Loss | Sum | Sum of total product loss and total shipping loss. |
Total Shipping Loss Total | Sum | Sum of shipping loss total for all returns. |
The dimensions included in this view are:
Name | Data Type | Description |
Channel Code | String | Code that identifies the channel associated with the site for the shopper's return. |
Contact Address 1 | String | Address line one for the contact for the return. |
Contact Address 2 | String | Address line two for the contact for the return. |
Contact Address 3 | String | Address line three for the contact for the return. |
Contact Address 4 | String | Address line four for the contact for the return. |
Contact City | String | City provided in the contact address for the return. |
Contact Country Code | String | Country code provided in the contact address for the return. |
Contact Postal Code | String | Postal or zip code provided in the contact address for the return. |
Contact State/Province | String | State or province provided in the contact address for the return. |
Currency Code | String | The localized currency code for the monetary amount. |
Customer Account ID | String | Internal unique identifier of the customer account. |
Customer Email | String | Email address provided by the user when submitting the order. |
Customer First Name | String | The first name of the customer. |
Customer Interaction Type | String | The type of customer interaction used to create the return. Possible values are Website, Call, Store, or Unknown. |
Customer Last Name | String | The last name of the customer. |
Customer User ID | String | Internal unique identifier of the customer account. If the shopper user is anonymous, the user ID represents a system-generated user ID string. |
Location Code | String | The unique user-defined code that identifies the location where the products are returned. |
Original Order ID | String | If this return is associated with a previously completed order, the internal unique identifier of the original order. |
Original Order Number | String | The order number of the original order where the return was created. |
Product Loss Total | Number | The total value of the product returned to the merchant for accounting purposes, calculated by multiplying the cost of the item by its quantity returned. |
Receive Status | String | The status that indicates whether the merchant has received the return item from the shopper. The accepted values are "Not requested," "Received," or "Waiting." |
Refund Amount | Number | If a refund action was performed for this return, the total amount refunded to the shopper. The refund amount can differ from the sum of the price of the returned items. |
Refund Status | String | The status of the refund. The accepted values are "Not requested" if the shopper only wants a replacement or "Refunded" if either a partial or full refund is applied to the return. |
Replace Status | String | The status of the replacement order. The accepted values are "Not requested" if there is no replacement order or "Replaced" if a replacement order exits. |
Return Created Date | Datetime | The timestamp of the date and time the return was created. |
Return ID | String | The internal unique identifier of the return. |
Return Number | String | A merchant-specific identifier used to sequentially order returns. |
Return Status | String | The current status of the return. Valid values for this field are Active, Expired, and Inactive. |
Return Type | String | The type of return, which is Refund or Replace. At the top-level return level, this field is deprecated because Refund and Replace items can now be mixed within a single return. For backwards-compatibility with older applications, the field defaults to Replace. |
Return Updated Date | Datetime | The timestamp of the date and time the return was most recently updated. |
Shipping Loss Total | Number | The total value of shipping the returned product to the merchant for accounting purposes, calculated by multiplying the shipping cost of the item by its quantity returned. |
Site ID | Number | Unique identifier for the site. This ID is used at all levels of a store and catalog to associate objects to a site. |
Site Name | String | The human readable name for the site associated with the Site ID. |