Import and Export Tools

Kibo eCommerce provides import/export tools through two applications:

  • Kibo eCommerce Import/Export Tool (1.0): (Legacy Tool) This tool handles the import and export of site content data. You can also export orders and import and export product and customer data using this tool, but Kibo eCommerce recommends using the improved Kibo eCommerce Import-Export Application (2.0) for these use cases.
  • Kibo eCommerce Import-Export Application (2.0): This application handles the import and export of catalogs, customer data, coupons and coupon sets, orders, and price lists, and includes a more fully-featured UI for import/export operations.
  • Kibo eCommerce Import-Export Application (3.0): This application has a similar user experience to 2.0, but with additional performance improvements. However, it does not currently support importing Customers or B2B templates (though it does support Catalogs, Marketing, and Price List templates).

Call your sales or professional services representative or contact Kibo Support to request installation of these tools on your tenant.

This topic explains how to interact with the import/export tools. For help understanding the template files that the tools use, refer to the individual template file topics.

The Import-Export Process

As explained in the introductory guide, the current data should always be exported before any import is performed. When you edit a file and re-import it, the import process compares the differences between the old export data and the new import data to determine what should be overwritten on the tenant. This also helps ensure that you are using all of the required sheets and values in your import, that the column headers match, and that files are imported in the same order - all of which is required for a successful import.

When making these edits, do not use Microsoft Excel for any files other than those used for the Content template. Excel formats are not supported by the .csv file requirements of other templates

Kibo eCommerce Import-Export Tool (1.0)

(Legacy Tool) This tool handles the import and export of site content data. You can also export orders and import and export product and customer data using this tool, but Kibo eCommerce recommends using the improved Kibo eCommerce Import-Export Application (2.0) for these use cases.

Launch the Tool

You access the Kibo eCommerce Import/Export Tool through the configuration settings dialog for the application. You do NOT need to enable this application.

  1. In Admin, go to System > Customization > Applications.
  2. Click Mozu Import/Export (version 1.0.0).
  3. Click the Configuration link to open configuration settings.

Export Data

Exporting is the recommended way to get the import/export template files, even if you have not yet added real data to your tenant. Performing an export ensures that you are aware of all existing data, and that all your data attributes are reflected in the templates. You also can use exports as a form of data backup. 

If you are using the Import/Export tools for the first time, refer to the Prepare Your Tenant for Initial Import section of the Import/Export guides to ensure a smooth import/export process.

  1. Launch the Mozu Import/Export Tool.
  2. Select the Export tab.
  3. Select the type of data you want to export from the drop-down menu.
  4. (Optional) For Orders, you can filter the export data by specifying a date range and order status.
    Export tab of the Import/Export tool
    Products, Contacts, and Content always export all data. The Import/Export Tool only exports products that are live on your site(s). Products in a draft or staged state do not get exported. If you make edits to an existing product but do not push them live, the Import/Export Tool exports the old live data for that product.
  5. (Optional) Enter an email address to receive a notification when the job completes.
  6. Click Export.
  7. The tool schedules your job. If it is the only job, the export begins immediately.
  8. (Optional) Select the Jobs tab to view all scheduled jobs. You can schedule up to 5 jobs at a time.
  9. When the export is complete, go to the Downloads tab to download the file.

When the job is complete (or if it fails), you can go to the Job Logs tab to view and download information about the job.

Import Data

After adding and editing data in the template files, you can import the data back into Kibo eCommerce. Importing data that matches existing data in Kibo eCommerce overwrites the existing data. This is intended behavior, and necessary for batch updating. Be sure that every column in a template file contains valid data before you import the file. If you do not want to update the data in a column that is not required, remove that column before importing the file OR use the same data as that included in the export file. Importing blank columns will overwrite any data for the corresponding properties with NULL values.

  1. Launch the Mozu Import/Export Tool.
  2. Select the Import tab.
  3. Select the type of data you want to import from the drop-down menu. Note that you cannot import orders through the Kibo eCommerce Import/Export Tool. Importing orders is a complex process and must be done via the Kibo eCommerce API. Kibo eCommerce strongly recommends contacting your professional services representative if you want to import orders from a previous eCommerce solution to Kibo eCommerce.
  4. Click Browse and navigate to the file to upload. The file can have any name, but Kibo eCommerce recommends using some identifying information in the name. This is especially helpful if you are scheduling multiple jobs, such as if you are breaking up a large data import into multiple smaller imports.
  5. (Optional) Enter an email address to receive a notification when the job completes.
  6. Click Import.
  7. The tool schedules your job. If it is the only job, the import begins immediately.
  8. (Optional) Select the Jobs tab to view all scheduled jobs. You can schedule up to 5 jobs at a time.

When the job is complete (or if it fails), you can go to the Job Logs tab to view and download information about the job.

Download Files

The Downloads tab lists all the files you have imported or exported in the past 3 days. You can click the Download link in the Action column to download a copy of a file.

Files older than 3 days are deleted for storage reasons. Be sure to download any files you want to keep.

Downloads tab of the Import/Export tool

The Downloads tab lists both imported and exported files.

View Logs

The Kibo eCommerce Import/Export Tool creates log files for every import and export you run. When a job completes, you can view these logs on the Job Logs tab.

  1. Launch the Mozu Import/Export Tool.
  2. Select the Job Logs tab.
  3. Locate the job you want to view.
  4. Click View Log. The log displays information about all the data objects included in the job, including the date and time they were processed, any updates made, and any errors that occurred. When possible, errors include a CorrelationID that you can use to get more information about the error.

Sample Log with Errors

The following is a sample log from a contacts import that encountered errors. In this sample, you can see Correlation IDs for the two AddAccountAndLogin errors. The IDs are the 32-character long alphanumeric strings at the end of the ERROR lines.

9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  INFO Total Contacts Added/Updated : 408 
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  INFO Import Done 
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  INFO Total Accounts Added/Updated : 324 
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  ERROR Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  ERROR Action=AddAccountAndLogin, ExternalId=1321, Message=Missing or invalid parameter: EmailAddress EmailAddress already associated with a login d654df4b28344282891e0b6e03db2036
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  ERROR Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  ERROR Action=AddAccountAndLogin, ExternalId=1320, Message=Missing or invalid parameter: EmailAddress EmailAddress already associated with a login c2b431ae9ab148dda9a429c4f15d9d52
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  INFO Updating Contact, AccountId=1319, 
9/17/2015 5:35:21 PM  INFO Updating Contact, AccountId=1305, 
9/17/2015 5:35:20 PM  INFO Updating Account, ExternalId=1317 updated 
9/17/2015 5:35:20 PM  INFO Updating Account, ExternalId=1257 updated 
9/17/2015 5:35:20 PM  ERROR Input string was not in a correct format. 
9/17/2015 5:35:20 PM  INFO Account Mapping, ExternalId=1002, Message=Anonymous, Emptying Password 
9/17/2015 5:35:20 PM  INFO Importing Contacts 09-17-2015 17-27-06.xlsx

Correlation IDs

In Kibo eCommerce, a Correlation ID is a unique identifier of an API request. When you import or export data, the Kibo eCommerce Import/Export Tool makes the API requests necessary to add or update all the data in your files. If your log file for a job includes errors with Correlation IDs, you can use the Correlation ID Lookup in Dev Center to get more information about the errors:

  1. Log in to Dev Center and click Console.
  2. Select Logs > Correlation ID Lookup to display the Error Log Information page.
  3. Copy a CorrelationID from your log file and paste it in the field on the right side of the page.
  4. Press the <Enter> key to display any captured data for the ID.
    Dev Center header with a callout for the Correlation ID lookup and field to paste it in

Kibo eCommerce Import-Export Application (2.0 and 3.0)

This application handles the import and export of catalogs, customer data, coupons and coupon sets, orders, and price lists, and includes a more fully-featured UI for import/export operations. The Import-Export Application adds an Import/Export link in the Admin navigation menu for every module that is supports. For example:

Enable the App

You can install the Import/Export application here. You must enable the app for the import/export extensions to appear:

  1. In Admin, go to System > Customization > Applications.
  2. Click Mozu Import-Export Application (version 2.0.0 or 3.0.0).
  3. Click Enable App.
  4. Refresh the browser to display the new menu items.

Configure an Export

The Export tab of an Import/Export extension allows you to customize and filter the data you export from Kibo eCommerce. This example uses the Customers template, but note that Customers is currently only supported in version 2.0.0 and not 3.0.0. The interface is otherwise the same between versions.

Export configuration options for an example Customers exportExport tab of the Customers Import/Export extension. All the Import/Export extensions use similar UIs.
  • Import: Configure data imports. (Not available for Orders.)
  • Export: Configure data exports.
  • Jobs: View current and scheduled jobs and download files and error logs from past jobs. Kibo eCommerce archives downloads after three days.
2Export selector:
  • Custom Export: Allows you to select specific sheets (Excel) or files (CSV) to export, configure which columns to include, and apply filters to the overall data set.
  • Export All: Exports all possible data.
3Export Format
  • CSV: Export data to CSV files. This option exports a ZIP file in which each data domain is a separate CSV file. There is no limit to the size of CSV files.
  • Excel: Export data to Excel files. This option exports an Excel file in which each data domain is a separate sheet. Microsoft Excel limits both total file size and cell size. A single worksheet can contain a maximum of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns. A single cell can contain up to 32,767 characters.
4Export: Specifies the data domains to export. A checkmark indicates the domain is selected for export.
5Columns: Specifies the columns to include in the export. Each column maps to a property in your Kibo eCommerce data.

The columns displayed are specific to the highlighted Export domain. Columns that are required for a successful import operation are selected by default. You cannot exclude them.
6Filters: Filters all export data by the specified attribute(s). Filters apply globally to all data in all Export domains.
7Summary: Displays a list of all of the Export domains and Columns you have configured for export.
8Email when complete to: Specifies email addresses to receive a notification when the export job is complete. You can enter as many emails as you like.
9Export: Starts the export job. You can go to the Jobs tab to view the progress of the current job.

Detailed descriptions of the export files are available in the left-menu.

Configure an Import

The Import tab of an Import/Export extension allows you to upload files from your computer or download an empty template file:

Import configurations for an example Customers import
  • Import: Configure data imports. (Not available for Orders.)
  • Export: Configure data exports.
  • Jobs: View current and scheduled jobs and download files and error logs from past jobs. Kibo eCommerce archives downloads after three days.
2Choose a file format
  • CSV: Import data from CSV files. The CSV files must be contained in a ZIP file. The ZIP file can have any name, but the individual CSV filenames must match the name of the data domain as exported by Kibo eCommerce. For example, to import customer accounts, the CSV file must be named CustomerAccounts.csv.
  • Excel: Import data from Excel files. The Excel file can have any name, but the name of each sheet in the file must match the name of the data domain as exported by Kibo eCommerce.

Start with a data export or click the download link (4) to get a sample file with correct naming conventions.

3Select File to import: Uploads a file from your computer.
4Click the download link to export a sample template.
5Email when complete to: Specifies email addresses to receive a notification when the import job is complete. You can enter as many emails as you like.
6Import: Starts the import job. You can go to the Jobs tab to view the progress of the current job.

Queue Multiple Operations

You can queue multiple import/export operations to execute in sequence. This is especially useful if you are importing or exporting very large data sets, because you can split a large job into smaller batches and more quickly see whether each small job succeeds.

  1. Decide the order in which you want to process your jobs.
  2. (Optional) For multiple imports, consider giving each ZIP or Excel file a unique name to help identify which part of the job it corresponds to.
  3. Configure and start each import or export in the order you want them executed.
  4. After you configure all your imports and exports, go to the Jobs tab in the Import/Export console to see the progress of each individual job.

If a job appears as Pending on the Jobs tab but does not show a Date, you must manually schedule the job by clicking Schedule.