The Customer Contact view provides dimensions describing the contact information for your customers.
The measures calculated by this view are:
Name | Measure Type | Description |
Contact Count | Count | Count of contact records. |
The dimensions included in this view are:
Name | Data Type | Description |
Address 1 | String | The first line of the street address. |
Address 2 | String | The second line of the street address. |
Address 3 | String | The third line of the street address. |
Address 4 | String | The fourth line of the street address. |
City or Town | String | The contact's city or town. |
Contact Created Date | Datetime | The date and time that the contact record was created. |
Contact ID | Number | The unique identifier for the contact. |
Contact Updated Date | Datetime | The date and time that the contact record was last updated. |
Country Code | String | The country code of the contact's address. |
Customer Account ID | String | Internal unique identifier of the customer account. |
Home Phone | String | The home phone number for the contact. |
Middle Name | String | The contact's middle name or initial. |
Mobile Phone Number | String | The mobile phone number for the contact. |
Postal Code | String | The postal code for the address. |
State or Province | String | The state or province for the contact address. |
Work Phone Number | String | The work phone number for the contact. |