Return Rules

Return rules allow you to configure custom return policies that take into account whether a product is returnable, the maximum quantity that can be returned, and the return window within which an item can be returned. This can help reduce errors during the return process.

Return Rule Criteria

At least one product rule or customer rule is required to create a return rule. A product-based return rule considers:

  • Whether a specific product can be returned 
  • Whether products in a specific static category can be returned
  • Whether a product with a certain attribute can be returned
  • Whether a product with a certain product type can be returned
  • The return window, or number of days after it was delivered to the shopper in which it is eligible for return

A customer-based return rule considers:

  • Whether a specific customer can return an item of that product, product type, static category, or attribute
  • Whether customers in a customer segment can return an item of that product, product type, static category, or attribute

Return rules can also be configured to limit the quantity allowed in a return. A maximum quantity-based return rule can be provided only if an item is returnable. This considers:

  • The maximum quantity of the specific product that can be returned
  • The maximum quantity that can be returned by the customer or customer segment

Return Rule Behavior

Returns are validated against the rules whenever one is initiated from the Order Admin, Fulfiller UI, or My Account page on the storefront. The Order Admin's returnable item details will also display any quantity limit or return window that has been passed, and restrict the item from being selected for a return (though this can be overridden in the initiation process). If any return fails validation, an error will be displayed and it will not be created. 

Return rule information will be reflected in the item-level data of Shipment APIs, such as when creating or updating a shipment. The below returnRuleInfo object indicates whether the item is returnable and if so, any applicable return quantity limit or maximum return window. The API documentation will be updated with these fields soon.

"returnRuleInfo" {
   "isReturnable": boolean,
   "maxQty": integer,
   "maxDays": integer,
   "ruleCode": string

Additionally, the Get Order Returnable Items API includes an isItemReturnable flag that indicates whether an item can be returned or not based on your return rules (including whether it is still within the allowed return window). The API documentation will be updated with this flag soon.

Configure Return Rules

To configure a return rule:

  1. Go to Main > Orders > Return Rules.
  2. Select a Site to view its existing rules.
  3. Click Create Return Rule or click an existing rule in the table.
    • If you choose to create a new rule, clicking the button directly will create a rule for the current site. Expand the drop-down menu on the Create button to select a different site instead.
    • When creating return rules via this UI, a rule can only be applied to one site. If you want to assign a rule to multiple sites, create or update it via the Rule APIs instead. The API documentation will be updated with these endpoints soon.
  4. Enter a Code. If not provided, the system will generate one automatically.
  5. Enter a Name.
  6. Enter an optional Description.An example return rule
  7. Select or create at least one product rule or customer rule.
    • Product rules can be based on product type, code, variant, static category, attribute, and some other first class fields.
    • Customer rules can be based on either a customer account or customer segment. If neither is provided, the rule will apply to all customers and customer segments.
    • Product and customer rules cannot be shared across rule types. This means that only those that were created as part of return rules will be available here.
  8. Check Item is returnable if applicable to validate that the item is returnable.
  9. Enter the Max Returnable Quantity you want to allow per return.
  10. Enter a Return Window as an integer to represent the number of days after an item completes fulfillment in which returns are accepted. Kibo advises including a buffer period to account for the time taken to deliver an item. For instance, if delivery generally takes 5 days after shipment fulfillment and you want to provide the shopper with a 30-day return window, you should enter a window of 35 days.
  11. Click Save. Once a purchase limit rule is created, it is assigned the lowest rank. You can change this on the dashboard shown below.

View Return Rules

This page at Main > Orders > Return Rules displays all existing rules and allows you to manage them with the below actions:

  • Change the Site in the top left to view rules for a different site.
  • Toggle the Status icon on a specific rule to activate or deactivate it.
  • Expand the actions menu on a specific rule to Edit or Delete it.
  • Check multiple rules and then use the Actions menu in the top right to delete, enable, or disable them.
  • Edit the Rank of a rule or click and drag it to reorder them. When the rules are run, they will always be applied in order of the highest to lowest rank (with 1 being the highest rank). 
    • Ranks are unique per rule across all sites in the master catalog. This means that if a rule is ranked #1 and only assigned to one site, then all other sites will not display a rule in the #1 rank position. If that rule is assigned to multiple sites, it will be ranked #1 on each assigned site and the sites it is not assigned to will not display a rule in the #1 position. If a rule needs to have a different rank on two different sites, then it should be created twice and a different unique rank should be assigned to each.
  • Click Test Rule to open a sidebar and enter a product with a customer or customer segment. The system will evaluate which rule affects that case and display it with its returnable status and any maximum return quantity or return window, as well as a link to view or update the rule configurations.   

The return rules dashboard

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Internal-Only Note: Ranking Example

As rule ranking may be confusing in how it works across sites, here is a more detailed example. Recall that rules can only be assigned to multiple sites if they are created or updated via the API (instead of the UI, which is limited to assigning one site to a rule).

  • Rule One is assigned to Rank #1 and Sites A and B
  • Rule Two is assigned to Rank #2 and Site A 
  • Rule Three is assigned to Rank #3 and Sites B and C
  • Rule Four is assigned to Rank #4 and Sites A and B
  • Rule Five is assigned to Rank #5 on Site C

The rules will then be displayed on each site as follows.

  • Site A:
    • Rank #1: Rule One  
    • Rank #2: Rule Two 
    • Rank #4: Rule Four  
    • This site will not have any rule in Rank #3 or #5 position.
  • Site B:
    • Rank #1: Rule One. 
    • Rank #3: Rule Three. 
    • Rank #4: Rule Four. 
    • This site will not have any rule in Rank #2 or #5 position.
  • Site C:
    • Rank #3: Rule Three
    • Rank #5: Rule Five
    • This site will not have any rule in Rank #1, #2, or #4 position.

 If a rule is moved to a higher rank (such as if Rule Four was moved to Rank #1 on Site A ) or a new rule is added for a rank, then existing rules across all sites will be resequenced. This means that affected rules will be moved down a rank to make room. For instance, the results of the given move would be:

  • Site A:
    • Rank #1: Rule Four
    • Rank #2: Rule One
    • Rank #3: Rule Two
    • This site will not have any rule in Rank #4 or #5 position.
  • Site B:
    • Rank #1: Rule Four
    • Rank #2: Rule One
    • Rank #4: Rule Three
    • This site will not have any rule in Rank #3 or #5 position.
  • Site C:
    • Rank #4: Rule Three
    • Rank #5: Rule Five
    • This site will not have any rule in #1, #2, or #3 position. Rule Five did not have to be change position because only the rules between the new rank and the old rank are affected by a move.