Payment Ranking and Auto Capture

Ranking can be assigned to prioritize certain payment types above each other for both capturing payments and issuing refunds. Auto capture uses these rankings to determine the order in which to capture payments.

Note that changes to these settings may not immediately take effect when processing orders. It may take up to 15 minutes for updates to be reflected in the system while the cache refreshes.

Payment Rankings

Payment rankings determine the sequence in which payments get captured as shipments are fulfilled. These ranks are used by automatic payment capture to determine which payment methods to use first.

  • For example, suppose you have a $100 order paid using $75 on a Visa credit card and a $25 store credit. A shipment worth $40 is fulfilled.
  • If the payment ranking is "VISA, StoreCredit," then KCCP will capture $40 from the credit card and reauth $35.
  • If the payment ranking is "StoreCredit, VISA," then KCCP will capture $25 from the store credit, then $15 from the credit card and reauth $60.

Rankings are configured in the Site settings at System > Settings > General.

Close-up of example payment rankings

Refund Rankings

Refund rankings work similarly to payment rankings, except for refunding and crediting payments instead of capturing them. When creating a refund, the system will set default payment amounts based on the rankings starting from the one given highest rank. This is supported for both the one-click Initiate Refund and the manual Issue Refund options in the Order Admin.

Auto crediting will refer to refund ranking when it determines which payment methods to credit. If no refund ranking is set, then refunds and credit will be processed in the reverse order of payment ranking. If a payment type that exists for the order is not specified, then it will be processed last.

These are configured in the same place as Payment Rankings. There is a Refund Rankings field that operates the same as Payment Rankings.

Auto Capture

The Kibo Composable Commerce Platform can capture payments automatically, which is particularly helpful for clients integrated with Order Management. 

  1. Go to System > Settings > General.
  2. Scroll to Site settings to toggle Auto Capture on. 
  3. An interval should be configured to set how frequently KCCP checks for shipments that are fulfilled and thus ready for their payment to be captured.
  4. When Auto capture is enabled, then you can also toggle Force capture on first capture on. When toggled, this setting will capture the entire order amount (except for any backorders) if at least one shipment in the order is ready for capture. In other words, capturing the first shipment of an order will trigger capturing the entire order amount.

Force Auto Capture

The Force auto capture setting is an alternate version of auto capture that will capture the entire order irrespective of the fulfillment status. Forced capture can also have an interval set (not shown below) but also includes the option to determine when a forced capture is attempted based on how many days ago the order was submitted.

Auto capture settings with auto capture enabled

Flexible Auto Capture

With flexible auto capture, a shipment status or BPM step can be chosen as the point at which a shipment's payment becomes eligible for capture, instead of the default fulfillment step. When this happens, a "readytocapture" flag is set on the shipment which will allow KCCP to trigger payment capture. This is helpful to clients who need a simple change to their payment process, as it does not require creating a custom BPM.

For example, payment could be set to capture at the Validate Stock step so that an order is not charged until a fulfiller has confirmed that they can fulfill it.

This can be configured for STH and BOPIS fulfillment flows, including the Waiting for Transfer step of a BOPIS shipment. Delivery shipments will use the same existing BOPIS configuration. Payment for any items in transfer shipments would be captured as part of the parent BOPIS shipment.

Configuring Flexible Auto Capture

  1. Go to System > General Settings and scroll down to the Site settings to locate Flexible Auto Capture Settings.
  2. Note that the above toggle for the general auto capture functionality must be enabled in order for flexible capture to be available.
  3. Select either Shipment State or Shipment Workflow for each fulfillment flow.
  4. Select one or more values from the Capture On drop-down menu, enabling capture on any of those values.

The Flexible Auto Capture settings, showing the drop-down menu for capture options

Auto Capture with Third-Party Payments

In standard use, auto capture is calculated by capturable shipment total - already captured amount. But for third-party payments, there is only ever one capture. Everything is captured in one shot (on the first capture). The full third-party payment amount is captured on the first fulfilled shipment of an order. For instance, given an order with a $50 fulfilled shipment and $50 ready shipment using a $100 PayPal payment, auto-capture will capture the full $100 requested on the payment.

Some special cases:

  • If an item is on backorder, user will have to manually issue a credit on the paypal payment if needed (reason backorder shipment amount will also be capture for all third-party payments).
  • If an item is cancelled after capture, user will have to manually issue a credit on the paypal payment.
  • If an item is cancelled before capture happens, the cancelled shipment amount will be taken out of the capture amount.
  • When doing a force capture, third-party payments will account for backorder and customer care shipments, whereas other payment types (that support multi-capture or re-auth) will not.