The Customer view provides dimensions describing customers.
The measures calculated by this view are:
Name | Measure Type | Description |
Average Days Since Last Login | Average | The average number of days since the last login date for all customers. |
Average Days Since Last Purchase | Average | The average number of days since the last order date for all customers. |
Average Days Since Signup | Average | The average number of days since the customer account was created for all customers. |
Average Lifetime Value | Average | The average lifetime value for all customers. |
Average Order Count | Average | The average order count for all customers |
Average Order Frequency | Average | The average order count divided by days since the customer account was created for all customers. |
Average Wishlist Length | Average | The average of wish list count for all customers. |
Customer Count | Count | Count of all customers. |
Customer Percentage | Percentage | The count of all customers returned in the result set and divided by the count of all customers, formatted as a percentage. |
Total Lifetime Value | Sum | Sum of lifetime value for all customers. |
Total Order Count | Sum | Sum of order count for all customers. |
The dimensions included in this view are:
Name | Data Type | Description |
Accepts Marketing | Yes/No | Indicates if the customer account is opted to receive marketing materials. If yes, the customer account is opted in for receiving the content. |
Account Type ID | Number | Unique identifier for the account type associated with the customer. |
Company/Organization | String | The company or organization name entered for a customer account. |
Customer Account ID | String | Internal unique identifier of the customer account. |
Customer Created Date | Datetime | The timestamp of the date and time that the customer was created. |
Customer Last Login Status | String | Returns "Logged-In" if a customer has logged in since their account creation date; returns "Not Login" if they have not logged in. |
Customer Last Purchase Status | String | Returns "Subsequent Purchased" if a customer has logged in after the customer created date; returns "No Subsequent Purchase" if not. |
Customer Set Code | String | The user-provided identifier of the customer set associated with the customer. |
Customer Set Description | String | The user-provided description of the customer set associated with the customer. |
Customer Set ID | Number | The unique identifier of the customer set associated with the customer. |
Customer Set Name | String | The user-provided name of the customer set associated with the customer. |
Customer Set Updated Date | Datetime | The date and time the customer set was last updated. |
Customer Since Date | Datetime | The date when the customer first created an account. This may be different than the customer creation date if the data was imported from another system. |
Customer Updated Date | Datetime | The timestamp of the date and time the customer was most recently updated. |
Days Since Last Login Tier | Tier | The range in which the number of days elapsed since the last login date falls. |
Days Since Last Purchase Tier | Tier | The range in which the number of days elapsed since the last order date falls. |
Email Address | String | The email address for the customer account and contact. |
External ID | Number | Unique identifier used by an external program to identify the customer account. |
First Name | String | The first name of the customer. |
Full Name | String | The first and last name of the customer. |
Is Active | Yes/No | Whether the customer account is flagged as active. |
Last Login On Date | Datetime | The date and time of the last login by the customer. |
Last Name | String | The last name of the customer. |
Last Order Date | Datetime | The date and time of the last order placed by the customer. |
Lifetime Value | Number | The total monetary amount ordered by this customer. |
Lifetime Value Tier | Tier | The range in which the lifetime value falls. |
Locale Code | String | The locale code for the customer. This may be used to localize content. |
Order Count | Number | The total number of orders placed by this customer |
Order Count Tier | Tier | The range in which the order count falls. |
Wish List Count | Number | The total number of items the customer has added to their wish list. |