Payment Settings


Payment Gateways
To process credit card transactions on your storefront, you must first set up a payment gateway and then assign that gateway to payment types regardless of whether your implementation is Order Management-only or includes eCommerce. Payment gatewa...
Payment Types
Payment types determine the exact method of payment that the customer is choosing to use. Payment types include credit cards, check by mail, or custom payment integrations such as Visa Checkout or PayPal Express. A payment gateway should be assign...
Payment Ranking and Auto Capture
Ranking can be assigned to prioritize certain payment types above each other for both capturing payments and issuing refunds. Auto capture uses these rankings to determine the order in which to capture payments. Note that changes to ...
Payment Extensibility
Payment Extensibility is a feature that allows you to add new gateways to use in a tenant by creating an application in the Kibo Dev Center, configuring that application as a gateway adapter, and then installing that application in your tenant. ...
Payment Extensibility Starter Kit
This guide explains the steps needed to create and deploy a new payment gateway. Contact your Kibo enablement team before setting up a new payment gateway to discuss your needs and plan for the resting and certification process. If you want to c...
Apple Pay Configuration
Apple Pay is a digital wallet that can be implemented for eCommerce through Payment Extensibility . It allows customers to store their credit card information and provide that information to mobile and web eCommerce stores. When Apple Pay is used...
Google Pay Configuration
Google Pay is a digital wallet that can be integrated for eCommerce and eCommerce+OMS implementations through Payment Extensibility. Though you will follow the application and payment gateway creation process in the Payment Extensibility  guide...
Fraud Checking
Some applications are available that can support fraud checking for KCCP implementations that include the eCommerce integration but are not required to process payments. During fraud check, the application receives the order information and anal...