Custom Data Lists

Where data sets allow values to be applied across locations, data lists allow for other information to be stored and utilized in filters. Data lists consist of general information used to specify how some cases should be handled. 

For instance, if a scenario cannot fulfill certain product UPCs then a custom data list could be created containing those UPCs. A filter could be applied to the scenario with that data list applied to the "Item UPC" attribute so that those items would not be assigned to locations in that scenario.

Note that changes to Order Routing settings may not immediately take effect when processing orders. It may take up to 15 minutes for updates to be reflected in the system while the cache refreshes.

Data Lists Page

The Data Lists page displays all existing lists. On the right of the table, not pictured in the screenshot, are additional notes about the list and the icons to edit or delete each list.

The Custom Data Lists page with a table of custom lists

Creating a Data List

Click Add New List to create a new list.

When creating a data list, enter the name, data type, and any custom notes that describe the purpose of the list. The values that are included in the list can then be provided via .CSV file upload. A template for building this file can be downloaded from the Download Template action of the navigation menu.

Once the list is initially uploaded and created, the individual values can then be modified and new values can be added.

The Create Data List form

Edit Data Lists

Clicking an existing list will open a detailed list of the individual data values, which can then be edited or added to. 

Example of the content in a data list