Product Overview
A product represents any item for sale on a site. The entire suite of products defined for a merchant is called a master catalog, which is shared across sites with individual catalogs. Products can include: An unlimited number of attributes, wh...
Configure Products
After creating product attributes and product types , you can then create products to sell on your Kibo eCommerce storefront.
The way that these products display can be further configured with slicing to show variants of a produ...
Schedule Products
You may not want to display a product in your storefront catalog immediately. Instead, you can set either start/end dates to determine a duration in which the product is active (in case you want to remove it from the catalog after a certain ...
Product Variations
Product variations occur when a product includes configurable options that create distinct versions of the product. For example, imagine that you sell the same shoe in three different colors and twelve different sizes. Kibo eCommerce generates 3...
Product Slicing
Slices are configurable products that have been split (“sliced”) based on option values. With this feature, one product can have its slices displayed separately without creating individual product listings. This allows a site to appear more...
Collections are a group of complementary or related "member products" that can be marketed as a single product, even across categories. For example, a beach-themed apparel collection could include products from the catalog's Footwear, Accessorie...
Quick Edits
Quick edits allow you to make the same update to an attribute value or category assignment across multiple products at once, rather than making the update one at a time for each product or using the import/export tool to perform a bulk edit....
Dynamic Imaging
The Dynamic Imaging feature allows flexibility in configuring which images are displayed for product variants, both on the storefront product page and in the search results. In the standard image management process, you can add images to the...