

Category Overview
Categories organize products into divisions that control where they appear on your site. After you build the category hierarchy, you can add individual products to categories and subcategories in the hierarchy.  For example, if your online stor...
Static Categories
Static categories allow you to manually specify the individual products that belong to them.  Note that products are not assigned to static categories through the category settings shown here. Instead, select the categories that an individual p...
Dynamic Categories
Dynamic categories allow you to specify dynamic expressions  that control the products that belong to them. For example, you want to create a category that contains all products that have been in your catalog for 30 days or less. You can creat...
Dynamic Category Expressions
The dynamic category expression controls the product membership of the dynamic category. You can find the expression of a dynamic category in the Expression section on a dynamic category page. You can create and edit the dynamic category expr...
Category Attributes
You can add customized attributes to static and dynamic categories to further define their characteristics. This is useful for identifying special categories or supporting your catalog/storefront design.  For example, you could use attributes to ...
For each category configured for your tenant’s product suite, you can define a set of facets that filter the site product results. You can define facets based on the following sources: Product categories, which show subcategory values Price, wh...