The Customer dashboard provides key metrics related to customers. This can be viewed at Kibo Standard Reports > Customer > Customer Dashboard in the navigation menu.
The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:
Name | Description | Default |
Is Active | Filter results by whether accounts are flagged as active, inactive, or both. | Yes |
The measures that are calculated by this dashboard are:
Name | Description |
Customer Count | The count of all customer records. |
Days Since Last Login | The number of days since the last log in by the customer. |
Days Since Last Purchase | The number of days since the last purchase by the customer. |
Days Since Signup | The number of days since the customer account was created. |
Lifetime Value | The sum of all purchases made by the customer. |
Order Count | The number of orders placed by the customer. |
Order Frequency | The average duration between purchases by the customer. |
Wishlist Length | The count of items on the customer's wishlist. |
The tiles that make up this dashboard are:
Name | Description |
Active Customers | The customer count for all customers where "Is Active" equals yes. |
Average Order Count | The average order count for all customers. |
Average Order Frequency | The average order frequency for all customers. |
Average Wishlist Length | The average wishlist length for all customers. |
Average Days Since Signup | The average days since sign up for all customers. |
Average Days Since Last Login | The average days since last login for all customers. |
Average Days Since Last Purchase | The average days since last purchase for all customers. |
Average Lifetime Value | The average lifetime value for all customers. |
Order Count | The order count per customer, grouped by tier. |
Top Locales | The customer count grouped by locale. |
Tax Exempt | Pie chart comparing how many customer accounts are tax exempt and how many are not. |
Accepts Marketing | Pie chart comparing how many customer accounts accept marketing and how many do not. |
Days Since Last Login | The count of customer accounts with the number of days since last login falling under specific tiers. |
Days Since Last Purchase | The count of customer accounts with the number of days since last purchase falling under specific tiers. |
Lifetime Value | The count of customer accounts with a lifetime value falling under specific tiers. |