Customer Dashboard

The Customer dashboard provides key metrics related to customers. This can be viewed at Kibo Standard ReportsCustomer > Customer Dashboard in the navigation menu. 

Example of the Customer dashboard with total values, bar graphs, and pie charts

The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:

Is ActiveFilter results by whether accounts are flagged as active, inactive, or both.Yes

The measures that are calculated by this dashboard are:

Customer CountThe count of all customer records.
Days Since Last LoginThe number of days since the last log in by the customer.
Days Since Last PurchaseThe number of days since the last purchase by the customer.
Days Since SignupThe number of days since the customer account was created.
Lifetime ValueThe sum of all purchases made by the customer.
Order CountThe number of orders placed by the customer.
Order FrequencyThe average duration between purchases by the customer.
Wishlist LengthThe count of items on the customer's wishlist.

The tiles that make up this dashboard are:

Active CustomersThe customer count for all customers where "Is Active" equals yes.
Average Order CountThe average order count for all customers.
Average Order FrequencyThe average order frequency for all customers.
Average Wishlist LengthThe average wishlist length for all customers.
Average Days Since SignupThe average days since sign up for all customers.
Average Days Since Last LoginThe average days since last login for all customers.
Average Days Since Last PurchaseThe average days since last purchase for all customers.
Average Lifetime ValueThe average lifetime value for all customers.
Order CountThe order count per customer, grouped by tier.
Top LocalesThe customer count grouped by locale.
Tax ExemptPie chart comparing how many customer accounts are tax exempt and how many are not.
Accepts MarketingPie chart comparing how many customer accounts accept marketing and how many do not.
Days Since Last LoginThe count of customer accounts with the number of days since last login falling under specific tiers.
Days Since Last PurchaseThe count of customer accounts with the number of days since last purchase falling under specific tiers.
Lifetime ValueThe count of customer accounts with a lifetime value falling under specific tiers.