Manage Orders


View Orders and Shipments
The Order Admin at Main > Orders  >  Orders  displays every offline and online order your sites have received across all available channels, allowing you to manage orders and their shipments in both eCommerce and Order Management implemen...
Configure Shipment Creation
By default, shipments are created immediately upon order submission which means you must make edits to order items and pricing at the shipment level. However, you can change this behavior to delay shipment creation and inventory allocation t...
Search for Orders
There are two ways to search for an order from the dashboard at Main  > Orders  > Orders . Either use the quick search bar to search for key values such as Order ID or open the Advanced Filter menu on the right to specify the criteria.  An ...
Create Offline Orders
Both eCommerce and Order Management users can create offline orders to assist shoppers. This is different from Cart Takeover because instead of returning the cart to the customer to finish the checkout process themselves, you will enter ...
Gift Orders and Items
Designate whole orders or individual items as gifts by providing order- and item-level gift messages. These messages can then be edited if needed before fulfillment and finally printed on a special gift receipt that does not show the price paid, b...
Edit Orders
Once shipments have been created for an order, most actions for editing orders and line items must be made at the shipment level. However, you can always edit custom order data, customer addresses, and pickup contacts at the order level. This guid...
Edit Order Shipments
Although fulfillers can view and manage shipments through the Fulfiller UI, you can also perform edits and actions on existing shipments from the Order Admin. If the restrictEdit flag is set to true on the order via API , then a...
Edit Order Items
Once shipments are created, order items can only be edited from the Shipments  tab. By default, shipments are created automatically upon order submission which means you will always be editing orders at the shipment level. However, if you h...
Cancel Orders and Shipments
In the Admin UI, you can either cancel an entire order which requires crediting the customer's payment or cancel individual shipments within the order. If all shipments are cancelled on an order, then the order will be automatically cancelled and ...