The Product Attributes view provides dimensions and measures for extensible attributes associated with the product model.
The measures calculated by this view are:
Name | Measure Type | Description |
Count | Count | Count of all product attribute records. |
The dimensions included in this view are:
Name | Data Type | Description |
Attribute Input Type | String | The type of input selection used to define a value for the attribute, including Yes/No, Date, DateTime, List, TextBox, or TextArea. |
Attribute Name | String | The user-supplied name of the attribute. |
Attribute Value | String | The user-supplied value for the attribute. |
Attribute Value Data Type | String | The data type of the source product property, typically of type Bool, DateTime, Number, or String. |
Attribute Value Type | String | An attribute value type is either predefined vocabulary set by the admin during attribute set up, or user-defined with an appropriate type (AdminEntered or ShopperEntered, depending on the user). |
Catalog ID | Number | Unique identifier for the product catalog to which the product attribute value belongs. |
Fully Qualified Attribute Code | String | Unique identifier for the attribute to which the product belongs. |
Is Extra | Yes/No | If yes, the product attribute is an add-on configuration made by the shopper that does not represent a product variation, such as a monogram. |
Is Option | Yes/No | If yes, the product attribute is a merchant- or shopper-configurable option, such as size or color, that represents a product variation. |
Is Property | Yes/No | If yes, the product attribute describes aspects of the product that do not represent an option configurable by the shopper, such as screen resolution or brand. |
Product Attribute ID | Number | Internal unique identifier of the product attribute. |
Product Attribute Value ID | Number | Internal unique identifier of the product attribute value. |
Product Code | String | The unique user-defined identifier for a product. |
Product ID | Number | Internal unique identifier of the product. |
Product Name | String | The user-supplied name of the product. |