Rejected Shipment Detail Report

The Rejected Shipment Detail report provides a granular view of shipments that have been rejected. This can be viewed under the shipment topic at Kibo Standard Reports > Shipment > Rejected Shipment Detail Report in the navigation menu.

Example of the Rejected Shipment Detail dashboard with a table of rejected shipments

The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:

Name Description Default
Site Restrict results to one or more of your sites. All
Shipment Created Date Limit results to only shipments created within this time range. Past seven days
Shipment Type The shipment workflow used such as ship to home or BOPIS. All
Rejection Reason The reason provided for why the shipment was rejected. All
Location Code Limit results to specific locations.

There are no special measures that are calculated by this dashboard.

The tiles that make up this dashboard are:

Name Description
Rejected Shipment Detail Table providing the following dimensions for each rejected shipment: Shipment Created Date, Order Number, Shipment Number, Shipment Type, Shipment Method, and Rejection Reason.