Application Behaviors

Behaviors determine which operations an application can perform on the platform after it’s installed on a tenant. These are usually read/write and related actions for objects such as products or orders. 

You can retrieve the behaviors for any application via API with the Get Package Behaviors API.

As of July 2024, applications must have the appropriate behaviors to access inventory-related APIs in some environments. These are Inventory Read (to retrieve inventory data), Inventory Modify (to create or update inventory data), and Inventory Delete (to explicitly remove inventory data).  These are required for all sandbox environments. Existing applications developed before July 2024 do not require these behaviors for production environments, but newer applications do require them.

Restricted Content

Internal-Only Note

If needed, you can enable the kibo.inventory.bypassBehaviorCheck tenant attribute to bypass the inventory behavior requirements for a client's production environment.

Best Practices

It’s important to keep the following things in mind when registering behaviors with an application:

  • Behaviors are designed to protect user security by limiting application access
  • Only register behaviors your application needs to access the appropriate objects or APIs
  • Registering all possible behaviors for an application may prevent Kibo from approving your application when you submit it for certification
  • The behaviors you register with your application are encrypted in the access token used to pass information between your application and the API. If you register or remove behaviors, you must generate a new authorization ticket.
  • Whenever you make changes to application behaviors or event subscriptions, you must re-install the application on your sandbox and re-enable it in Dev Center in order for the changes to work.

Assign Behaviors

To assign behaviors to applications:

  1. Go to Develop > Applications in the Dev Center.
  2. Click the appropriate application you want to update.
  3. Click Packages.
  4. On the Behaviors tab, click Select Behaviors.
  5. Under Behavior category, select the topic that the behavior falls under.
  6. Under Behavior name, enable the checkboxes for specific behaviors.
  7. Click Save.

Behavior Reference

All application behaviors are associated with a numerical ID. Some are also used by the Kibo Admin. This list defines behaviors that are available to both applications and Admin users:

Behavior ID Behavior Category Behavior Description
270 B2B Account B2B Account Create Create a B2B account
271 B2B Account B2B Account Update  Delete a B2B account
272 B2B Account B2B Account Delete View a B2B account
273 B2B Account       B2B Account Read Make changes to a B2B account
69 Cart Cart Read View a shopper's cart
71 Cart Cart Update Make changes to a shopper's cart
72 Cart Cart Delete Delete a shopper's cart
170 Channel Channel Read View existing channel details
171 Channel Channel Create Create new channels
172 Channel Channel Update Change existing channel details
173 Channel Channel Delete Delete existing channels
175 Channel ChannelGroup Read View existing channel group details
176 Channel ChannelGroup Create Create new channel groups
177 Channel ChannelGroup Update Change existing channel group details
178 Channel ChannelGroup Delete Delete existing channel groups
179 Credit Credit Read View existing store credit details
180 Credit Credit Update Change existing store credit details
181 Credit Credit Delete Delete existing store credit
182 Credit Credit Create Create new store credit for customers
247 Currency Create Currency Create a new currency
248 Currency Read Currency View currency details
249 Currency Update Currency Update currency details
250 Currency Delete Currency Delete a currency
41 Customer Customer Read View existing customer account details
42 Customer Customer Update Change existing customer account details
43 Customer Customer Delete Delete existing customer accounts
44 Customer Customer Create Create new customer accounts
60 Customer Purchase Order Read View purchase order details
61 Customer Purchase Order Create Create a new purchase order
62 Customer Purchase Order Update Update a purchase order
193 Customer Stock Notification Read View stock notification details
194 Customer Stock Notification Update Change stock notification details
195 Customer Stock Notification Delete             Delete stock notifications
196 Customer Stock Notification Create Create stock notifications
223 Customer Customer Password Update Reset existing customer account passwords
Customer Customer Impersonate Impersonate a customer
24 Discount Discount Read View discount details
25 Discount Discount Create Create new discounts
26 Discount Discount Update Change discount details
27 Discount Discount Delete Delete existing discounts
106 Extensibility Extensibility Read View extension details
107 Extensibility Extensibility Create Create extensions
108 Extensibility Extensibility Update Update extension details
109 Extensibility Extensibility Delete Delete extensions
204 InstalledApplication Read installed applications View the installed applications
205 InstalledApplication Update installed applications Change installed applications
183 Location Location Create Create new locations
184 Location Location Update Change existing location details
185 Location Location Delete Delete existing locations
186 Location Location Read View existing location details
73 Order Order Read View the details of an order
74 Order Order Create Create a new order
75 Order Order Update - All Update all order elements (includes Order Update - Items, Pricing, Discounts, Attributes, and Manual Adjustments)
76 Order Order Delete Delete an existing order
77 Order Order Fulfill Fulfill an order
78 Order Order Cancel Cancel an order
79 Order Order Apply Payment Apply a payment to an order
187 Order Order Ship Ship an order
242 Order Order Update - Items Change only the details of order items and their quantities in addition to accept and cancel orders, resend order emails, edit internal notes on the order, and print order templates
243 Order Order Update - Pricing Change only the pricing information related to an order in addition to accept and cancel orders, resend order emails, edit internal notes on the order, and print order templates
244 Order Order Update - Discounts Change only the discount information of an order in addition to accept and cancel orders, resend order emails, edit internal notes on the order, and print order templates
245 Order Order Update - Attributes Change only the attributes on an order in addition to accept and cancel orders, resend order emails, edit internal notes on the order, and print order templates
246 Order Order Update - Manual Adjustments Change only the order subtotal and the shipping cost of an order in addition to accept and cancel orders, resend order emails, edit internal notes on the order, and print order templates
251 Order Order Routing Access order routing
292 Order Override Order Update Restriction If an order has been set to restrict editing or cancellation, this behavior will override those flags and allow the user to edit and cancel the order
65 Payment Payment Read View the payment details for an order
66 Payment Payment Create Create a payment for an order
67 Payment Payment Update Change the payment details for an order
68 Payment Payment Delete Delete a payment for an order
105 Payment Read Payment Settings View the payment settings
297 Payment Installment Item Manage Update a payment installment
298 Payment Installment Item Read View payment installments
299 Payment Recycling Item Manage Update a recycling payment
300 Payment Recycling Item Read View recycling payments
238 Price List Create Price List Create a new price list
239 Price List Read Price List View an existing price list
240 Price List Update Price List Change price list details
241 Price List Delete Price List Delete a price list
1 Product Product Create Create new products
2 Product Product Update Change product details
3 Product Product Delete Delete products
4 Product Product Read View product details
9 Product Publish Product Changes Discard or publish staged changes to products
16 Product Product Category Read View product category details
17 Product Product Category Create Create new product categories
18 Product Product Category Delete Delete product categories
19 Product Product Category Update Change product category details
167 Product Change Product Publishing Mode Change the publishing mode for product changes in the Publishing module
208 Product Delete Inventory Delete inventory
209 Product Modify Inventory Change inventory details
210 Product Read Inventory View inventory details
220 Product Product Code Change Change product codes
291 Product Product Type Change Change product types
229 Publish Sets Create Publish Set Definition Create new publish sets
230 Publish Sets Read Publish Set Definition View existing publish sets
231 Publish Sets Update Publish Set Definition Change existing publish sets
232 Publish Sets Delete Publish Set Definition Delete publish sets
233 Publish Sets Publish Publish Set Definition Publish existing publish sets
274 Quote Quote Create Create a B2B quote
275 Quote Quote Update Update a B2B quote
276 Quote Quote Delete Delete a B2B quote
277 Quote Quote Read View B2B quotes
234 Search Create Product Ranking Definition Create new product ranking rules
235 Search Read Product Ranking Definition View existing product ranking rules
236 Search Update Product Ranking Definition Change existing product ranking rules
237 Search Delete Product Ranking Definition Delete product ranking rules
254 Search Search Configuration Create Create a new search configuration
255 Search Search Configuration Read View search configuration details
256 Search Search Configuration Update Change search configuration details
257 Search Search Configuration Delete Delete a search configuration
258 Search Search Campaign Create Create a new search campaign
259 Search Search Campaign Read View search campaigns
260 Search Search Campaign Update Change search campaign details
261 Search Search Campaign Delete Delete a search campaign
262 Search Search Schema Definition Create Create a search schema definition
263 Search Search Schema Definition Read View search schema definitions
264 Search Search Schema Definition Update Change search schema definition details
265 Search Search Schema Definition Delete Delete a search schema definition
266 Search Search Redirects Create Create a new search redirect
267 Search Search Redirects Read View search redirects
268 Search Search Redirects Update Change search redirect details
269 Search Search Redirects Delete Delete a search redirect
282 Search Search Synonym Create Create a new search synonym
283 Search Search Synonym Read View search synonyms
284 Search Search Synonym Update Change search synonym details
285 Search Search Synonym Delete Delete a search synonym
286 Search Search Merchandizing Rule Create Create a new search merchandizing rule
287 Search Search Merchandizing Rule Read View search merchandizing rules
288 Search Search Merchandizing Rule Update Change search merchandizing rule details
289 Search Search Merchandizing Rule Delete Delete a search merchandizing rule
293 Search Search Facets Create Create a new search facet
294 Search Search Facets Read View search facets
295 Search Search Facets Update Change search facet details
296 Search Search Facets Delete Delete a search facet
225 SettingsCustomRoutes Create CustomRoutes Definition Create new custom routes
226 SettingsCustomRoutes Read CustomRoutes Definition View existing custom routes
227 SettingsCustomRoutes Update CustomRoutes Definition Change existing custom routes
228 SettingsCustomRoutes Delete CustomRoutes Definition Delete custom routes
49 SettingsGeneral General Settings Read View the general settings for your sites
51 SettingsGeneral General Settings Update Change the general settings for your sites
57 SettingsOrder Order Settings Read View existing order settings
59 SettingsOrder Order Settings Update Change existing order settings
118 SettingsPlatformAppDev Application Status Enable Enable applications for the tenant
53 SettingsShipping Shipping Settings Read View existing shipping settings
54 SettingsShipping Shipping Settings Create Create new shipping settings
55 SettingsShipping Shipping Settings Update Change existing shipping settings
56 SettingsShipping Shipping Settings Delete Delete existing shipping settings
8 Site Publish Content Changes Discard or publish staged changes to site content
11 Site Site Create Content Create new content in the Content Editor module
12 Site Site Update Content Change content in the Content Editor module
13 Site Site Delete Content Delete content in the Content Editor module
120 Site Site Read Content View content in the Content Editor module
121 Site Site Read Document List View document lists
122 Site Site Create Document List Create new document lists
123 Site Site Update Document List Change document lists
124 Site Site Delete Document List Delete document lists
160 Site Validate an address Enable address validation in General Settings
165 Site Preview changes before they're published View/preview the site's staging version
166 Site Change Content Publishing Mode Change the publishing mode for content changes in the Publishing module
222 Site View live content View the site's live version
45 Tenant Tenant Read View tenant details
224 Tenant Log Read Behavior Log read behavior
28 User Admin User Read View existing Admin user details
29 User Admin User Create Create new Admin users
30 User Admin User Update Change existing Admin user details
33 User Shopper User Read View shopper account details
34 User Shopper User Create Create shopper accounts
35 User Shopper User Update Change shopper account details
36 User Shopper User Delete Delete shopper accounts
37 User User Role Read View existing Admin role details
161 Wishlist Wishlist Read View customer wishlists
162 Wishlist Wishlist Create Create new customer wishlists
163 Wishlist Wishlist Update Change customer wishlists
164 Wishlist Wishlist Delete Delete customer wishlists

These additional behaviors are only available to applications and developer resources:

Behavior ID Behavior Category Behavior Description
89 Developer Account Developer Account Read View developer accounts
90 Developer Account Asset Developer Asset Read View developer assets
91 Developer Account Asset Developer Asset Create Create a new developer asset
92 Developer Account Asset Developer Asset Update Change a developer asset
93 Developer Account Asset Developer Asset Delete Delete a developer asset
216 MZDB Create EntityList Definition Create a new entity list definition
217 MZDB Update EntityList Definition Update an entity list definition
218 MZDB Delete EntityListDefinition Delete an entity list definition
114 SettingsPlatformAppDev Application Status Read View application statuses
115 SettingsPlatformAppDev Application Status Update Change an application's status
116 SettingsPlatformAppDev Application Status Create Create an application status
117 SettingsPlatformAppDev Application Status Delete Delete an application status