Product in Catalog View

The Product In Catalog view provides product dimensions that are specific to a particular catalog.

The measures calculated by this view are:

NameMeasure TypeDescription
Product CountCountThe count of all products.
Product In Catalog CountCountThe count of all products in the catalog.

The dimensions included in this view are:

NameData TypeDescription
Catalog IDNumberUnique identifier for the product catalog to which the product belongs.
Content Locale CodeStringThe two character locale code, per the country code provided.
Currency CodeStringRepresents the monetary currency used to place the order.
Master Catalog IDNumberUnique identifier for the master product catalog to which the product belongs.
Product CodeStringThe unique user-defined identifier for a product.
Product Created DateDatetimeThe timestamp of the date and time the product record was created.
Product IDNumberInternal unique identifier of the product.
Product NameStringThe user supplied name of the product.
Product PriceNumberFull price of the product.
Product Updated DateDatetimeThe timestamp of the date and time the product record was most recently updated.