02/13/2025Megan Mayfield
Announcement: FFUI Dashboard Migration
In 2024, Kibo released a new and improved version of the Fulfiller UI dashboard. We will now begin the process of upgrading all clients who use the FFUI to this new dashboard. Sandboxes will be u...
01/30/2025Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Import Inventory API Migration As part of ongoing migration of internal inventory endpoints, Kibo will be migrating the import inventory internal endpoints on production tenants from January 27 through February 10. The endpoints...
01/16/2025Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Import Inventory API Migration
As part of ongoing migration of internal inventory endpoints, Kibo will be migrating the import inventory internal endpoints on production tenants from January 27 through February 10. The e...
01/02/2025Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Code Freeze
Kibo is still in a "code freeze" for the peak holiday season, in which no more updates will be pushed to production tenants. Changes will continue to be added to sandbox environments per the below schedule an...
12/05/2024Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Code Freeze
Kibo has entered its "code freeze" for the peak holiday season, in which no more updates will be pushed to production tenants. Changes will continue to be added to sandbox environments per the below schedule an...
11/21/2024Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Code Freeze Kibo has entered its "code freeze" for the peak holiday season, in which no more updates will be pushed to production tenants. Changes will continue to be added to sandbox environments per the below schedule and will b...
11/07/2024Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Code Freeze
Kibo has entered its "code freeze" for the peak holiday season, in which no more updates will be pushed to production tenants (with the exception of some necessary hotfixes). Changes will continue to be added t...
10/24/2024Megan Mayfield
Announcement: Code Freeze
Kibo is entering its "code freeze" for the peak holiday season. This production release of Version 1.2440 is the final major update being pushed to production tenants until January. Changes will continue to b...
10/10/2024Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Commerce
B2B Discount Attributes : Discount Extensibility can now support custom B2B attributes in addition to customer, order, and location attributes. These can be used as conditions for both line item and...
09/26/2024Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Catalog
Discount Extensibility : You can now utilize custom attributes as additional discount conditions, giving you more flexibility over how discounts are applied in your implementation. While configuring cu...