Shipment Reassigned Item View

The Shipment Reassigned Item view provides dimensions and measures describing items that are reassigned during fulfillment.

The measures calculated by this view are:

NameMeasure TypeDescription
Average QuantityAverageAverage of quantity for all shipment reassigned items.
Shipment Reassigned Item CountCountCount of all shipment reassigned item records.
Total QuantitySumSum of quantity for all shipment reassigned items.

The dimensions included in this view are:

NameData TypeDescription
Fulfillment Item TypeStringThe item type of the reassigned item such as PHYSICAL, DIGITAL, or DIGITALCREDIT.
Item DiscountNumberThe amount of discount applied to this item.
Modified Reason CodeStringThe explanation of why the shipment is being reassigned.
Shipment Item IDStringInternal unique identifier of the shipment item.
Shipment NumberStringStorefront identifier of the shipment.
Site IDNumberUnique identifier for the site. This ID is used at all levels of a store and catalog to associate objects to a site.
Source Order IDStringInternal unique identifier of the order with which the shipment item is associated.