Substitute Products Overview
If a product is unavailable after an order has been placed, you can substitute a similar product during the fulfillment process. These substitutes are pre-configured at the product level, and then either performed automatically or manually selecte...
Configure Substitutions
You must first contact Kibo Support to have this feature enabled in your tenant settings. Then you will be able to proceed with this guide to enable repricing and email notifications, add the substitute attribute to product types, and select t...
Shopper Preferences
Shoppers can indicate whether they're open to substitutions during the cart or checkout process (except when creating a B2B quote or creating a subscription). This determines whether substitutions are allowed on their order or require fulfillers...
Substitutions in Fulfiller UI
If the Substitutions feature is configured and a product is unavailable after an order has been placed, fulfillers can substitute a similar product during the fulfillment process. Perform a Substitution Substitutions occur in the Validate Stoc...