Users and User Groups
You must create Admin accounts in order for admins, customer service representatives, sales representatives, and other users to access the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform. This guide explains how to create and invite users, as well as organi...
User Roles
Your organization most likely employs individuals with expertise in various areas of eCommerce, and they may all need different levels of access to Admin. Roles define a user's level of access in the form of behaviors. There are several defaul...
IP Blocking
You may need to block certain IP addresses from accessing your Admin account or Kibo storefronts in certain environments. Kibo eCommerce provides a security feature that allows you to blacklist IP addresses (currently, only IPv4 addresses are supp...
Logging User Edits
An administrator can use their browser's developer tools and the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform (KCCP) API to investigate which user first configured a particular setting or which user was the most recent to update the setting. Using Dev Tools...
SSO Implementation
You can add SAML security to your KCCP implementation and enforce Single Sign On (SSO) to improve security.
This guide provides a high level overview of how to set up SSO for your Admin interface users. The information here does not apply...
Geography-Based User Access
With geography-based user access, you can specify which country data a user has access to and prevent them from viewing customers, orders, or returns outside of their jurisdiction. The user will not be able to edit these records nor enter shipping...