
Simplify the process of adding or updating data on your eCommerce tenant.


Introduction to Import/Export
The Kibo eCommerce Import/Export tools help you import and export data (such as catalogs, customers, orders, coupons, and site content) to and from your tenant. For new merchants joining the platform, these tools are a powerful onboarding ai...
Import and Export Tools
This guide explains how to interact with the import/export tools. For help understanding the template files that the tools use, refer to the individual template file topics. If you are using these tools for the first time, also refer to the ...
Troubleshooting Import Issues
This topic lists some common issues you can run into using the import/export tools . Error messages in the Import/Export tool may be generic and not identify the exact problem with the import file. These errors are often caused when an attempt ...
Customers Template
The Customers template for the import/export tools describes your customer accounts and contact information. This data is used to manage orders, subscribed messages, promotional emails, newsletters, and so on. If you are preparing your init...
Orders Template
The Orders template for the import/export tools describes orders in your system, including their current status, the account that placed them, their total value, where they are shipped, the products they contain, and so on. ...
Catalogs Template
The Catalogs template for the import/export tools is the largest of the import/export template files, and is likely the one you will use the most. Together, the sheets of the Catalogs template represent your entire catalog structure for ...
Marketing Template
The Marketing template for the import/export tools describes coupons and coupon sets that are available to customers. To ensure you start with properly formatted files, navigate to the Import tab of the Import/Export extension, selec...
Content Template
The Content template for the import/export tools describes data for your Kibo eCommerce sites. This template is provided for the purposes of migrating site content between Kibo eCommerce environments. For example, you can use this functionality ...
Price Lists Template
The Price Lists template for the import/export tools describes price lists you have defined for specific customer segments. You can use price lists to offer specific pricing to authenticated customers who belong to specific customer se...
B2B Template
The B2B template for the import/export tools describes B2B accounts, contacts, purchase order information, and individual users. It contains very similar data as to that found in the Customers Import/Export template. Access the Tools With t...
 Import/Export API
Import/Export API Overview
The Import/Export tool can be used through the API as well as through the user interface in the KCCP Admin. Using the APIs you can write integrations that can upload data into KCCP at blazing speed. Any bulk data load into KCCP should use the Impo...