Purchase Order Dashboard

The Purchase Order dashboard provides an overview of purchase order accounts and usage. This can be viewed under the purchase order topic at Kibo Standard Reports Purchase Order > Purchase Order Dashboard in the navigation menu.

Example of the Purchase Order dashboard with bar and pie charts

The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:

SiteRestrict results to one or more of your sites.All
Order Payment Created DateLimit results to only order payments created within this time range.Past thirteen weeks

The measures that are calculated by this dashboard are:

Amount DueThe total amount requested minus the total amount collected.
Total Amount DueThe sum of the amount due for all order payments with a payment type of purchase order.
Order Payment CountThe count of all order payments with a payment type of purchase order.
Total Credit LimitThe sum of the credit limit for all purchase order accounts.
Total Available BalanceThe sum of the available balance for all purchase order accounts.

The tiles that make up this dashboard are:

Purchase Order Account BalanceTable displaying the account id, name, email, available balance, credit limit, amount due, and overdraft allowance for each purchase order account.
Note: This report is generated at the tenant level and will ignore the selected site. The date range has no effect.
Purchase Order UsageThe total amount due and the total available balance for all purchase order accounts.
Note: This report is generated at the tenant level and will ignore the selected site. The date range has no effect.
Top Ten Accounts By Amount DueThe ten purchase order accounts with the highest amount due.
Note: This report is generated at the tenant level and will ignore the selected site. The date range has no effect.
Paid vs. Unpaid Purchase OrdersPaid orders are the count of unique purchase order numbers where the order payment type is purchase order, the order payment status is paid or collected, and the order status is not abandoned. Unpaid orders are the count of unique purchase order numbers where the order payment type is purchase order, the order payment status is unpaid or pending, and the order status is not abandoned.
Unpaid Purchase Order Count By AgeThe count of distinct purchase order numbers where the order payment status is unpaid or pending, the order payment type is purchase order, and the order status is not abandoned. The count is grouped by age, which is the number of elapsed days from the order payment created date to today's date.
Unpaid Purchase Order Amount Due By AgeThe total amount due grouped by age, which is the number of elapsed days from the order payment created date to today's date.
Purchase Order SummaryA table displaying the order payment created date, purchase order number, order status, payment status, amount requested, and amount collected for all order payments where the order payment type is purchase order.