The Shipment Type dashboard breaks down metrics by specific shipment types, displaying performance for a particular shipment type or comparing performance across multiple types. This can be viewed under the shipment topic at Kibo Standard Reports > Shipment > Shipment Type Dashboard in the navigation menu.
The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:
Name | Description | Default |
Site Name | Restrict results to one or more of your sites. | All |
Shipment Created Date | Limit results to only shipments created within this time range. | Past five weeks |
Location Code | The location codes where the shipments were fulfilled. | All |
The measures that are calculated by this dashboard are:
Name | Description |
Gross Revenue / Shipment Total | The sum of all shipment totals where the order payment status is collected. |
Order Count | Count of all shipments where the shipment status is fulfilled. |
Average Order Value | The order total divided by the valid order count. |
The tiles that make up this dashboard are:
Name | Description |
Order Count By Shipment Type | The order count for each shipment type. Only shipment types with at least one associated order are shown. |
Gross Revenue By Shipment Type | The shipment total for each shipment type. Only shipment types with a shipment total greater than zero are shown. |
AOV By Shipment Type | The average order value for each shipment type. Only shipment types with at least one associated order are shown. |
Shipment Type Summary | The shipment count, order count, and average order value for each shipment type. Only shipment types with at least one associated order are shown. |
Percentage Of Orders By Shipment Type | The order count for each shipment type as a percentage of the order count for all shipment types. |
Percentage Of Revenue By Shipment Type | The shipment total for each shipment type as a percentage of the shipment total for all shipment types. |