Use the Order Routing service to configure how orders are assigned within your location system.
Order Routing Overview
The Order Routing Tool lets clients design order-specific assignment and visibility logic for routes. Order Routing facilitates the creation of scenarios containing fulfillment locations for order routes. Within these scenarios, rankings and filte...
Routing Strategies
Routing strategies are configurations of individual locations, scenarios, filters, and assignment logic that control your order routing. The Routing Strategy page lists all strategies you have created, both active and inactive.
Note that c...
Scenarios are groups of locations that an order can be routed within, filters that exclude certain locations from different routing cases, and after-actions that control which steps Order Routing takes when determining whether that scenario is a...
All of your available fulfillment locations are listed on the Locations page of Order Routing. These locations are grouped into scenarios where routing logic and shipment assignment preferences are configured. These scenarios are manag...
Filters are logic used to exclude fulfillment locations within a scenario that do not match certain criteria. For example, a filter can be created so that orders can only be assigned or viewed if a fulfiller is located within 100 miles of t...
Custom Data Lists
Where data sets allow values to be applied across locations, data lists allow for other information to be stored and utilized in filters. Data lists consist of general information used to specify how some cases should be handled.
Custom Data Sets
You can define custom location-specific data types that can then be used in filters, such as to reject locations with a particular value. Or, this data can be used as a sort option in scenarios to compare the locations. This may be hourly ra...
Reverse Logistics
Reverse Logistics enables Order Routing to suggest the best locations for accepting returns and facilitate disposition based on the item's condition and the routing logic that you configure. When a return is initiated, Order Routing can sugg...
Extensible Order Routing
Extensible Order Routing allows an Admin user to select which custom product, location, customer and order attributes can be filtered for in Order Routing. This provides the power and flexibility to set up order routing rules best suited t...
Suggestion Logs and Debug
The Suggestion Logs and Suggestion Debug pages of the Order Routing interface help you make calls with the Order Routing REST APIs to retrieve the record of logical decision made during routing and test your configurations. Suggestion Logs T...