SDK Overview

A software development kit (SDK) is a collection of language-based development tools. Once you have created a custom application, you can use an SDK to authenticate with Kibo and send requests for the application or user to interact with your tenant. These SDKs have access to the full functionality of Kibo's REST APIs.

Kibo currently provides SDKs for Java and TypeScript, but you can generate additional SDKs in the language of your choice using open source tools. Refer to the guides in this category for more details about the provided SDKs and how to create your own.

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Internal Note: Supported SDKs

Only the Java and TypeScript SDKs are currently supported for KCCP.

Legacy SDKs for Python, PHP, .NET, Node, Storefront, iOS, Android, and Kibo Inventory are no longer supported and KCCP clients should not attempt to use them. They will be missing many API endpoints and changes made to query parameters or request/response bodies within the past several years. This means that they likely will not function with the current platform (or in some cases, with newer versions of the programming languages) and Kibo does not intend to update them unless necessary for an existing client. 

Encourage clients to generate their own new SDKs using this documentation if they are interested in the legacy programming languages. If clients have any further questions or escalation, refer to Kibo Engineering for assistance.