
In addition to managing application and theme assets on the platform, Dev Center enables developers to perform platform-specific administrative tasks, such as:  

  • Searching error logs
  • Searching API Extension action logs
  • Managing users

Search Error Logs

Error logs provide more detail about why an error occurred and can help you with troubleshooting. When a platform error occurs, the system logs it according to the unique identifier of the associated API request, known as a correlation ID. The correlation ID displays in either the Dev Center UI or API response body; depending on how you’re using the platform. You must search for error logs by correlation ID.

To retrieve error log details:

  1. Log in to Dev Center.
  2. Click Logs > Correlation ID.
  3. Enter a correlation ID associated with an error in the search text box.
  4. Press <Enter>.
  5. Double click an error log to see details.

Search API Extension Action Logs

Action logs contain details about custom JavaScript functions that have been developed using the API Extension framework and installed on a tenant. You can only view action logs for tenants to which you have access. Log details vary based on the log level, or severity, a custom function is configured to use (e.g., debug, info, warn, error, and fatal). Refer to Action Management JSON Editor for more information.

Action logs can tell you:

  • When a custom function began executing.
  • When a custom function finished executing.
  • How much time it took a custom function to execute.
  • When and why a custom function failed to execute successfully.

To search for action logs:

  1. Log in to Dev Center.
  2. Click Logs > Action Logs.
  3. Select a tenant and click OK.
  4. (Optional) Apply one or more of the following filters to narrow the results.
    • Start Date: The beginning date of the query.
    • Correlation ID: The unique ID of the API request that an application used to perform an action.
    • App Key: The unique ID of the application that performs an action.
    • Function ID: The type of action that an application performs.
    • Severity: The log level that actions use in an application.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Click a log to see details.
  7. If desired, click View Related Entries to search for additional logs related to a selected log.

Manage Users

User management in Dev Center is important because it allows you to add users and assign roles for staff in your organization, grant solution partners or existing users access to your sandbox(es), and add users to your Dev Center projects.

You should consider what role a user needs before inviting them to your Dev Account. Before you can add users to sandboxes or projects, you must invite them to your Dev Account. Only the Dev Account Owner, Project Manager, or Lead Developer roles can invite users. To see a list of users that have access to your Dev Account and what role they have role, click the drop-down arrow beside the name of your Dev Account in the upper-right corner and select Users

To invite a user to your Dev Account:

  1. Log in to Dev Center.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow beside the name of your DevAccount in the upper-right corner and click Users > Invite Users.
  3. Enter the user’s email address.
  4. Select a role from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Save.

Inviting users sends an email to the specified recipient with a confirmation link. The invitation remains in a pending status until the recipient confirms or declines the invitation.

To grant a user access to a sandbox:

  1. Log in to Dev Center.
  2. Click Sandboxes.
  3. Double-click a sandbox.
  4. Click the Details tab.
  5. Click Add Sandbox User.
  6. Select a user from the list and click OK.
  7. Click Save.

To add a user to a project:

  1. Log in to Dev Center.
  2. Click Projects.
  3. Double-click a project.
  4. Click the Add Team Member.
  5. Select a user from the list and click OK.
  6. Click Save.

Roles and Permissions

A role is a collection of permissions that defines what a user can do in Dev Center. A user can have different roles in multiple Dev Accounts, but can only perform the behaviors of the role associated with that specific Dev Account. For example, in Dev Account A, if you define Steven as a Lead Developer, but in Dev Account B, you define Steven as a Marketer, he cannot perform the marketing role in Dev Account A. Behaviors within a role are predefined, so users cannot add or remove behaviors from a role.

Click one of the following headings to see a matrix of roles and permissions in Dev Center:

  • groupDev Accounts
     Dev Account OwnerProject ManagerLead DeveloperDeveloperMarketer
    Invite users  
    Remove users  
    Change user roles  
    Change user developer type   
    Modify contact info   
  • content_copy Applications
     Dev Account OwnerProject ManagerLead DeveloperDeveloperMarketer
    Create new 
    Create release notes 
    Modify metadata
    Submit for certification  
    Upload application files 
    Download files
    Clone packages
    Create new packages 
    Delete packages (except Release)
    Configure behaviors
    Install on sandboxes 
    Install on production  
  • library_books Themes
     Dev Account OwnerProject ManagerLead DeveloperDeveloperMarketer
    Create new 
    Create release notes 
    Modify metadata
    Upload files 
    Download files
    Delete files 
    Clone packages
    Create new packages 
    Delete packages (except Release)
    Install on sandboxes 
    Install on production   
  • work Projects
     Dev Account OwnerProject ManagerLead DeveloperDeveloperMarketer
    Create new 
    Add users 
    Remove users  
  • widgets Sandboxes
     Dev Account OwnerProject ManagerLead DeveloperDeveloperMarketer
    Create new 
    Add users 
    Remove users   
    Create master catalogs 
    View (access Admin)