Introduction to the KCCP UIs

The Kibo Composable Commerce Platform (KCCP) offers several user interfaces and storefront pages for administrators, developers, and customers. This guide gives an overview of these pages, the URLs at which they can be accessed, login restrictions, and where to get more information about each UI. 

Environment URLs

KCCP may be viewed under sandbox or production environments. Each environment is identified by a different URL format, which will include unique identifying numbers for the tenant and sometimes the site being accessed. This guide provides templates with placeholder 0s standing in for those unique codes. You will replace any 0s with your own tenant pod, tenant, site, or other number but always retain the initial letter. 

  • t00000: Your tenant number, e.g. t12345.
  • s00000: Your site number, e.g. s54321.
  • tp0: The tenant pod number that your tenant is assigned to. Every production tenant is assigned to one of four pods.
  • stg1: This is NOT a placeholder! Do not replace the 1 with any other number.

You can optionally include a site identifier in addition to the required tenant (which would make the Base URL t10000-s00000 instead of t10000)

Accessing KCCP

All admins and developers access the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform in any particular environment from the same log in screen.

  • US Sandbox:
  • EU Sandbox:
  • US Production:
  • EU Production:

You must have been invited to either a developer account or sandbox environment to successfully log in. If any IP blocking settings have been configured, then your IP must also be valid under those conditions.

Upon logging in to the base KCCP, you may be directed to the Launchpad where you can choose whether to enter the Admin UI for a particular tenant (under Sandbox Environments) or the Dev Center (under Developer Accounts).

The Launchpad where a user selects their developer account and sandbox

Dev Center

The Dev Center is an online portal for managing developer accounts, creating applications and theme records, and uploading, installing, and testing code before deploying it to a production site. 

  • US Sandbox:
  • EU Sandbox:
  • US Production:
  • EU Production:

Getting Access to Dev Center

Go here and fill out the form to request a demo. A representative will contact you with more information about a Dev Account. After Kibo provisions your Dev Account, you’ll receive an email invitation with instructions for logging in to Dev Center. The person who receives this email invitation is the Dev Account Owner, which is a role that is granted administrative permissions.

The Dev Account Owner can then invite users so your team can begin development. For more information about this UI, see the Dev Center documentation.

The Dev Center homepage and navigation menu


Also known as: Admin UI.

The primary KCCP interface includes all the different pages and views for both eCommerce and Order Management implementations based on the below URL. 

  • US Sandbox:
  • EU Sandbox:
  • US Production:
  • EU Production:

Though the navigation menu includes links to the external Fulfiller and Order Routing UIs, the Admin generally refers to all other areas for managing aspects of your implementation such as the catalog, inventory, customers, site settings, and the Orders page where you can manage all of your orders and shipments. For information about other features of the Admin UI, see the appropriate section within the User Guides.


Also known as: Fulfillment, FulfillerUI, FFUI.

The external interface at the below URL performs all the fulfillment-related calls to the systems that maintain order and shipment related data for Order Management clients. 

  • US Sandbox:
  • EU Sandbox:
  • US Production:
  • EU Production:

This is where fulfillers can process orders, manage their assigned shipments, etc. Users can only see the shipments for fulfillment locations that they are assigned to. See more information about this UI in the Fulfiller guides.

The Fulfiller UI homepage with a grid of shipments

Order Routing

Also known as: OR.

The external Order Routing interface lets Order Management clients design order assignment and visibility logic for routes on the below URLs. 

  • US Sandbox:
  • EU Sandbox:
  • US Production:
  • EU Production:

These routes and configurations determine how orders are assigned to locations in your fulfillment network. See more information in the Order Routing UI guide.

The Order Routing homepage with an example route

Switching Between Tenants

Once you have selected a tenant and entered the Admin or Fulfiller UI, you can still switch between the tenants available to you without navigating back to the Launchpad.

Use the drop-down in the top right next to the name of your current tenant:

The dropdown menu to select a tenant in the top right of Admin

Returning to the Launchpad

You can navigate back to the Launchpad from the Admin UI by expanding the drop-down that displays the current tenant's name in the navigation menu and clicking Launchpad:

The Launchpad link at the top of the Admin navigation menu

As well as from the account links in the top right corner of the Dev Center:

The dropdown menu in the top right of Dev Center with My Profile, Launchpad, and Log Out links