This action occurs after a GET operation is run against the cart, with the exception of getting cart summaries. Changes made to the cart or cart items in this action persist in Kibo eCommerce.
Action Type | Embedded |
Full Action ID | embedded.commerce.carts.get.after |
Runs multiple custom functions? | No |
JavaScript File Structure
Action files share the following basic structure:
module.exports = function(context, callback) { // Your custom code here callback(); };
When you code the custom function for an action, you have access to two arguments:
—This argument follows the established JavaScript callback pattern: it takes an error as the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
—This argument provides the function access to relevant objects and methods that interface with Kibo eCommerce.
Context: Cart
The following methods and objects are available to this action through the use of the context
Microservice Operation
This action corresponds to the microservice that gets a cart.
Get Methods
Exec Methods
Context Objects Available to All Actions
Obtains a response that includes information about the current cart.
Parameters | Type | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "changeMessages": [ { "amount": "decimal", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string", "appName": "string", "correlationId": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "id": "string", "identifier": "string", "message": "string", "metadata": "object", "newValue": "string", "oldValue": "string", "subject": "string", "subjectType": "string", "success": "bool", "userFirstName": "string", "userId": "string", "userLastName": "string", "userScopeType": "string", "verb": "string" } ], "channelCode": "string", "couponCodes": "string", "currencyCode": "string", "customerInteractionType": "string", "data": "string", "discountedSubtotal": "decimal", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "expirationDate": "DateTime", "extendedProperties": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentInfo": { "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": 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"productReservationId": "int", "quantity": "int" } ], "categories": [ { "id": "int", "parent": "self" } ], "description": "string", "discountsRestricted": "bool", "discountsRestrictedEndDate": "DateTime", "discountsRestrictedStartDate": "DateTime", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "fulfillmentTypesSupported": "string", "goodsType": "string", "imageAlternateText": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "mfgPartNumber": "string", "name": "string", "options": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "name": "string", "shopperEnteredValue": "object", "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ], "price": { "creditValue": "decimal", "msrp": "decimal", "price": "decimal", "salePrice": 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"string", "visitId": "string", "webSessionId": "string" }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Sets custom key/value data on the current cart.
Parameters | Type | Description |
key | string | Key of the data to set on the cart. |
value | object | Value of the data to set. |
context.exec.setData("customField", value);
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "changeMessages": [ { "amount": "decimal", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string", "appName": "string", "correlationId": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "id": "string", "identifier": "string", "message": "string", "metadata": "object", "newValue": "string", "oldValue": "string", "subject": "string", "subjectType": "string", "success": "bool", "userFirstName": "string", "userId": "string", "userLastName": "string", "userScopeType": "string", "verb": "string" } ], "channelCode": "string", "couponCodes": "string", "currencyCode": "string", "customerInteractionType": "string", "data": "string", "discountedSubtotal": "decimal", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "expirationDate": "DateTime", "extendedProperties": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentInfo": { "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "data": "string", "fulfillmentContact": { "address": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "address3": "string", "address4": "string", "addressType": "string", "cityOrTown": "string", "countryCode": "string", "isValidated": "bool", "postalOrZipCode": "string", "stateOrProvince": "string" }, "companyOrOrganization": "string", "email": "string", "firstName": "string", "id": "int", "lastNameOrSurname": "string", "middleNameOrInitial": "string", "phoneNumbers": { "home": "string", "mobile": "string", "work": "string" } }, "isDestinationCommercial": "bool", "shippingMethodCode": "string", "shippingMethodName": "string" }, "handlingTaxTotal": "decimal", "id": "string", "invalidCoupons": [ { "couponCode": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "discountId": "int", "reason": "string", "reasonCode": "int" } ], "items": [ { "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": 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"productReservationId": "int", "quantity": "int" } ], "categories": [ { "id": "int", "parent": "self" } ], "description": "string", "discountsRestricted": "bool", "discountsRestrictedEndDate": "DateTime", "discountsRestrictedStartDate": "DateTime", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "fulfillmentTypesSupported": "string", "goodsType": "string", "imageAlternateText": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "mfgPartNumber": "string", "name": "string", "options": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "name": "string", "shopperEnteredValue": "object", "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ], "price": { "creditValue": "decimal", "msrp": "decimal", "price": "decimal", "salePrice": 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"string", "visitId": "string", "webSessionId": "string" }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Removes custom key/value data from the specified cart.
Parameters | Type | Description |
key | string | Key of the data to remove from the cart. |
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "changeMessages": [ { "amount": "decimal", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string", "appName": "string", "correlationId": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "id": "string", "identifier": "string", "message": "string", "metadata": "object", "newValue": "string", "oldValue": "string", "subject": "string", "subjectType": "string", "success": "bool", "userFirstName": "string", "userId": "string", "userLastName": "string", "userScopeType": "string", "verb": "string" } ], "channelCode": "string", "couponCodes": "string", "currencyCode": "string", "customerInteractionType": "string", "data": "string", "discountedSubtotal": "decimal", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "expirationDate": "DateTime", "extendedProperties": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentInfo": { "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": 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"string", "visitId": "string", "webSessionId": "string" }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Sets custom key/value data on a cart item.
Parameters | Type | Description |
key | string | Key of the data to set on the cart item. |
value | object | Value of the data to set. |
itemId | string | Id of the cart item to which the data is applied. |
context.exec.setItemData("customField", value, "123");
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "data": "string", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "extendedTotal": "decimal", "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentLocationCode": "string", "fulfillmentMethod": "string", "handlingAmount": "decimal", "id": "string", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "itemTaxTotal": "decimal", "lineId": "int", "localeCode": "string", "product": { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "bundledProducts": [ { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "creditValue": "decimal", "description": "string", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "goodsType": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "name": "string", "optionAttributeFQN": "string", "optionValue": "object", "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "quantity": "int" } ], "categories": [ { "id": "int", "parent": "self" } ], "description": "string", "discountsRestricted": "bool", "discountsRestrictedEndDate": "DateTime", "discountsRestrictedStartDate": "DateTime", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "fulfillmentTypesSupported": "string", "goodsType": "string", "imageAlternateText": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "mfgPartNumber": "string", "name": "string", "options": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "name": "string", "shopperEnteredValue": "object", "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ], "price": { "creditValue": "decimal", "msrp": "decimal", "price": "decimal", "salePrice": "decimal", "tenantOverridePrice": "decimal" }, "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "productType": "string", "productUsage": "string", "properties": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "isMultiValue": "bool", "name": "string", "values": [ { "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ] } ], "upc": "string", "variationProductCode": "string" }, "productDiscount": { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" }, "productDiscounts": [ { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" } ], "quantity": "int", "shippingDiscounts": [ { "discount": { "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "methodCode": "string" } ], "shippingTaxTotal": "decimal", "shippingTotal": "decimal", "subtotal": "decimal", "taxableTotal": "decimal", "total": "decimal", "unitPrice": { "extendedAmount": "decimal", "listAmount": "decimal", "overrideAmount": "decimal", "saleAmount": "decimal" } }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Removes custom key/value data from a cart item.
Parameters | Type | Description |
key | string | Key of the data to remove from the cart item. |
itemId | string | Id of the item from which to remove data if applied to a line item that is not the current line item. Current line item only applies when called from a cart item action. |
context.exec.removeItemData("customField", "123");
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "data": "string", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "extendedTotal": "decimal", "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentLocationCode": "string", "fulfillmentMethod": "string", "handlingAmount": "decimal", "id": "string", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "itemTaxTotal": "decimal", "lineId": "int", "localeCode": "string", "product": { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "bundledProducts": [ { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "creditValue": "decimal", "description": "string", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "goodsType": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "name": "string", "optionAttributeFQN": "string", "optionValue": "object", "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "quantity": "int" } ], "categories": [ { "id": "int", "parent": "self" } ], "description": "string", "discountsRestricted": "bool", "discountsRestrictedEndDate": "DateTime", "discountsRestrictedStartDate": "DateTime", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "fulfillmentTypesSupported": "string", "goodsType": "string", "imageAlternateText": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "mfgPartNumber": "string", "name": "string", "options": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "name": "string", "shopperEnteredValue": "object", "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ], "price": { "creditValue": "decimal", "msrp": "decimal", "price": "decimal", "salePrice": "decimal", "tenantOverridePrice": "decimal" }, "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "productType": "string", "productUsage": "string", "properties": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "isMultiValue": "bool", "name": "string", "values": [ { "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ] } ], "upc": "string", "variationProductCode": "string" }, "productDiscount": { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" }, "productDiscounts": [ { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" } ], "quantity": "int", "shippingDiscounts": [ { "discount": { "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "methodCode": "string" } ], "shippingTaxTotal": "decimal", "shippingTotal": "decimal", "subtotal": "decimal", "taxableTotal": "decimal", "total": "decimal", "unitPrice": { "extendedAmount": "decimal", "listAmount": "decimal", "overrideAmount": "decimal", "saleAmount": "decimal" } }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Sets soft allocation information on a cart item.
Parameters | Type | Description |
allocationId | int | Id of the allocation to set on the cart item. |
expiration | date/time | Date/time of the allocation expiration. |
productCode | string | Code of the product or product variation that is allocated. |
itemId | string | Id of the item to set the allocation on if applied to a line item that is not the current line item. Current line item only applies when called for a cart item action. |
context.exec.setItemAllocation(5, dateVariable, "LUC-SAMPLE-PROD", "123");
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "data": "string", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "extendedTotal": "decimal", "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentLocationCode": "string", "fulfillmentMethod": "string", "handlingAmount": "decimal", "id": "string", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "itemTaxTotal": "decimal", "lineId": "int", "localeCode": "string", "product": { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "bundledProducts": [ { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "creditValue": "decimal", "description": "string", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "goodsType": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "name": "string", "optionAttributeFQN": "string", "optionValue": "object", "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "quantity": "int" } ], "categories": [ { "id": "int", "parent": "self" } ], "description": "string", "discountsRestricted": "bool", "discountsRestrictedEndDate": "DateTime", "discountsRestrictedStartDate": "DateTime", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "fulfillmentTypesSupported": "string", "goodsType": "string", "imageAlternateText": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "mfgPartNumber": "string", "name": "string", "options": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "name": "string", "shopperEnteredValue": "object", "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ], "price": { "creditValue": "decimal", "msrp": "decimal", "price": "decimal", "salePrice": "decimal", "tenantOverridePrice": "decimal" }, "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "productType": "string", "productUsage": "string", "properties": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "isMultiValue": "bool", "name": "string", "values": [ { "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ] } ], "upc": "string", "variationProductCode": "string" }, "productDiscount": { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" }, "productDiscounts": [ { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" } ], "quantity": "int", "shippingDiscounts": [ { "discount": { "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "methodCode": "string" } ], "shippingTaxTotal": "decimal", "shippingTotal": "decimal", "subtotal": "decimal", "taxableTotal": "decimal", "total": "decimal", "unitPrice": { "extendedAmount": "decimal", "listAmount": "decimal", "overrideAmount": "decimal", "saleAmount": "decimal" } }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Removes an item from the cart.
Parameters | Type | Description |
itemId | string | Id of the item to remove. |
{ "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "changeMessages": [ { "amount": "decimal", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string", "appName": "string", "correlationId": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "id": "string", "identifier": "string", "message": "string", "metadata": "object", "newValue": "string", "oldValue": "string", "subject": "string", "subjectType": "string", "success": "bool", "userFirstName": "string", "userId": "string", "userLastName": "string", "userScopeType": "string", "verb": "string" } ], "channelCode": "string", "couponCodes": "string", "currencyCode": "string", "customerInteractionType": "string", "data": "string", "discountedSubtotal": "decimal", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "expirationDate": "DateTime", "extendedProperties": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentInfo": { "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "data": "string", "fulfillmentContact": { "address": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "address3": "string", "address4": "string", "addressType": "string", "cityOrTown": "string", "countryCode": "string", "isValidated": "bool", "postalOrZipCode": "string", "stateOrProvince": "string" }, "companyOrOrganization": "string", "email": "string", "firstName": "string", "id": "int", "lastNameOrSurname": "string", "middleNameOrInitial": "string", "phoneNumbers": { "home": "string", "mobile": "string", "work": "string" } }, "isDestinationCommercial": "bool", "shippingMethodCode": "string", "shippingMethodName": "string" }, "handlingTaxTotal": "decimal", "id": "string", "invalidCoupons": [ { "couponCode": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "discountId": "int", "reason": "string", "reasonCode": "int" } ], "items": [ { "auditInfo": { "createBy": "string", "createDate": "DateTime", "updateBy": "string", "updateDate": "DateTime" }, "data": "string", "discountedTotal": "decimal", "discountTotal": "decimal", "extendedTotal": "decimal", "feeTotal": "decimal", "fulfillmentLocationCode": "string", "fulfillmentMethod": "string", "handlingAmount": "decimal", "id": "string", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "itemTaxTotal": "decimal", "lineId": "int", "localeCode": "string", "product": { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "bundledProducts": [ { "allocationExpiration": "DateTime", "allocationId": "int", "creditValue": "decimal", "description": "string", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "goodsType": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "name": "string", "optionAttributeFQN": "string", "optionValue": "object", "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "quantity": "int" } ], "categories": [ { "id": "int", "parent": "self" } ], "description": "string", "discountsRestricted": "bool", "discountsRestrictedEndDate": "DateTime", "discountsRestrictedStartDate": "DateTime", "fulfillmentStatus": "string", "fulfillmentTypesSupported": "string", "goodsType": "string", "imageAlternateText": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isPackagedStandAlone": "bool", "isRecurring": "bool", "isTaxable": "bool", "measurements": { "height": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "length": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "weight": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" }, "width": { "unit": "string", "value": "decimal" } }, "mfgPartNumber": "string", "name": "string", "options": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "name": "string", "shopperEnteredValue": "object", "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ], "price": { "creditValue": "decimal", "msrp": "decimal", "price": "decimal", "salePrice": "decimal", "tenantOverridePrice": "decimal" }, "productCode": "string", "productReservationId": "int", "productType": "string", "productUsage": "string", "properties": [ { "attributeFQN": "string", "dataType": "string", "isMultiValue": "bool", "name": "string", "values": [ { "stringValue": "string", "value": "object" } ] } ], "upc": "string", "variationProductCode": "string" }, "productDiscount": { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" }, "productDiscounts": [ { "appliesToSalePrice": "bool", "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "productQuantity": "int" } ], "quantity": "int", "shippingDiscounts": [ { "discount": { "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal" }, "discountQuantity": "int", "impactPerUnit": "decimal", "methodCode": "string" } ], "shippingTaxTotal": "decimal", "shippingTotal": "decimal", "subtotal": "decimal", "taxableTotal": "decimal", "total": "decimal", "unitPrice": { "extendedAmount": "decimal", "listAmount": "decimal", "overrideAmount": "decimal", "saleAmount": "decimal" } } ], "itemTaxTotal": "decimal", "lastValidationDate": "DateTime", "orderDiscounts": [ { "couponCode": "string", "discount": { "expirationDate": "DateTime", "id": "int", "itemIds": "string", "name": "string" }, "excluded": "bool", "impact": "decimal" } ], "shippingSubTotal": "decimal", "shippingTaxTotal": "decimal", "shippingTotal": "decimal", "siteId": "int", "subtotal": "decimal", "taxTotal": "decimal", "tenantId": "int", "total": "decimal", "userId": "string", "visitId": "string", "webSessionId": "string" }
For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.
Context Objects Available to All Actions
Accesses Kibo eCommerce tenant information.
Properties | Type | Description |
baseUrl | string | The base URL for the site. |
basePciUrl | string | The base PCI URL for the site. |
tenantPod | string | The name of the tenant pod in which the tenant resides. |
appClaims | string | The application claims token. |
appKey | string | The application key. |
tenantId | integer | Unique identifier for the tenant. |
siteId | integer | Unique identifier for the site. This ID is used at all levels of a store, catalog, and tenant to associate objects to a site. |
masterCatalogId | integer | Unique identifier for the master catalog. |
catalogId | integer | The unique identifier for the product catalog. Catalogs are part of a master catalog. |
currencyCode | string | The default three-letter ISO currency code for monetary amounts. |
previewDate | date/time | The date and time that the content is being viewed. This might be a future date if the content is previewed with an active date range set in the future. |
localeCode | string | The locale code per the country code provided. This code determines the localized content to use and display. |
correlationId | string | The unique identifier of the API request associated with the event action, which might contain multiple actions. |
isAuthorizedAsAdmin | Boolean | Indicates whether the Dev Account user is authorized as an admin. |
userClaims | string | The user claims token. |
Receives a JSON response that contains information about the configuration data set in the Action Management JSON editor.
Properties | Type | Description |
Varies | object | Custom fields and values that you can set in the Action Management JSON Editor. |