Individual Discount Dashboard

The Individual Discount dashboard provides an overview of how a specific discount is performing on the site. It can be viewed under the discount topic at Kibo Standard Reports > Discount Individual Discount Dashboard in the navigation menu or by clicking the name of a discount on any dashboard.

Example of the Individual Discount dashboard with total values, line graphs, and pie charts

The supported filters that can be applied to this dashboard are:

Site NameRestrict results to one or more of your sites.All
Order Created DateLimit results to only orders created within this time range.Past five weeks
Discount IDThe unique identifier for a discount. Note: This is a required filter and the user must enter a value for the dashboard to render.Empty

The measures that are calculated by this dashboard are:

Average Order ValueThe average order total for all orders.
Items Per OrderThe average number of order items per order.
Order SubtotalThe sum of all order subtotals where this discount has been applied.
Order CountThe count of all orders where this discount has been applied.
Total ImpactThe sum of the impact on all orders where this discount has been applied.

The tiles that make up this dashboard are:

Order Count Over TimeThe order count bucketed by calendar day.
Discounted Order Subtotal Over TimeThe order subtotal bucketed by calendar day.
Discounted Order Impact Over TimeThe total impact bucketed by calendar day.
Order Count By Order StatusThe count of all orders where this discount has been applied grouped by the status of the associated order.