Reverse Logistics

Reverse Logistics enables Order Routing to suggest the best locations for accepting returns and facilitate disposition based on the item's condition and the routing logic that you configure. When a return is initiated, Order Routing can suggest the best return location. Once the store associate receives the return, Order Routing can then advise how best to handle the product by suggesting a disposition location. That location can restock, refurbish, or dispose of the item as needed.

The logic for evaluating location candidates is configured in Order Routing similarly to other fulfillment method scenarios.

Return and Disposition Routing

Order Routing evaluates return and disposition locations at different points in the return process when Reverse Logistics is enabled. Though suggestions are retrieved automatically or when requested from the Admin UI, refer to the Order Routing API Overview for more information about the suggestion responses.

Return Location Suggestion

When a return is initiated, Order Routing will automatically determine the best return location based on the return reason and customer shipping address, then prepopulate that selection in the return creation modal. The Admin user can manually select a different location if needed.

An example return item with the location selected

Multiple returns will be created if different return locations are suggested.

Disposition Location Suggestion

The disposition location is the location that actually handles the returned item, such as by restocking or donation. This may be different from the location that initially accepts the return from the customer. 

The Admin user specifies the condition of each line item when receiving it at the return location. Based on the condition, Order Routing can then suggest a disposition location for each line item and apply those item options.

The Handle Package tab with a location selected

The default condition options are Good, Bad, Refurbished, and Like New. These can be customized with the Get Restock Condition before and after API extensions. 

Enable Reverse Logistics

Contact Kibo Support to enable this feature in your tenant configurations.

If you want to increment inventory levels whenever the Admin user selects to restock a return item, you must toggle Update On Hand Inventory on Return Restock on in your return settings.

Restricted Content

Internal-Only Note:

The tenant attribute to enable this feature is ReverseLogisticsEnabled.

Configure Routing Logic

Once enabled, Reverse Logistics Scenarios appear within your routing strategies. Configure these scenarios with locations, filters, and after-actions just like other fulfillment method routes to determine how Order Routing evaluates locations for return items.

Example return and disposition routes

Some after-actions related to Cancel, Backorder, and Split by Quantity will not be available, but you can use the Lowest Available Inventory sorting option to aggregate available inventory and prioritize locations with the lowest inventory count to restock items efficiently.

Be sure to create and assign filters based on a return reason or condition to accurately assign item quantities based on the action that should be taken with them. 

A disposition condition filter for Good items