Marketing Template

The Marketing template for the import/export tools describes coupons and coupon sets that are available to customers. To ensure you start with properly formatted files, navigate to the Import tab of the Import/Export extension, select a file format, and click the link to download template files with the required input fields.

Marketing template file content with example data

Access the Tools

With the Mozu Import-Export Application installed and enabled, go to Main > Marketing > Import/Export in Kibo eCommerce Admin. 

Supported File Formats

  • CSV (.csv): Each sheet is a separate CSV file. For both imports and exports, sheets are compressed into a ZIP file. When importing, the ZIP file can have any file name but each individual CSV file name must match the export file name and the sheet. You can remove CSV files for data you do not want to import.

These CSV files should not be opened in Excel, as that may cause errors with their formatting. Instead, use a different CSV editing program to make changes to the data.

You should only use the default Windows zipper to zip the files, as using different software may cause errors. You can upload multiple files at once as long as they all are zipped.

Template Key

For each sheet, we define each column and describe valid values for the column. Some values are not required for an import, but are required Kibo eCommerce data. For example, you do not have to specify a customer's FirstName every time you modify the customer account, but all customer accounts require a FirstName when they are created. If you have questions or concerns specific to your data, please contact your integration partner or Kibo Support.

Information Provided for Each Sheet of the Template
Corresponding REST API Resource Every column in a sheet corresponds to a property in the Kibo eCommerce REST API. For each sheet, we provide a link to any API resources that contain properties in the sheet.
Column Name The name of the column in the sheet.
Description A description of the data a column contains.
Valid Values Lists valid values for the column.



Corresponding API Resource: commerce/catalog/admin/couponsets/coupons

The Coupons file defines individual coupons and maps them to catalogs and coupon sets. Coupons and coupon sets are catalog-level items in Kibo eCommerce. You cannot create coupons on a master catalog.

Column Name Description Valid Values
Catalog Name The name of the catalog that contains the coupon. To add a coupon to multiple catalogs, create a new row for each catalog. Any string that is a valid, unique catalog name on your Kibo eCommerce tenant. This must be an existing catalog, and cannot be a master catalog.

Note: The Import-Export Application expects all catalog names to be unique on your tenant. If multiple catalogs share the same name, you must temporarily rename the catalog you want to modify before you can import coupons or coupon sets. You can revert to the original name after the coupons are imported.
Coupon Set Code The unique identifier for the coupon set that contains the coupon. All coupons must belong to a coupon set.

For import operations, the coupon set must have a Coupon Code Type of Manual. You cannot add coupons to generated coupon sets.
Any string that is a valid coupon set code. Character limit: 32.

If you are creating a new coupon set by importing a CouponSets file with this file, this code can be any string, provided both files use the same Coupon Set Code. If you are adding coupons to an existing set, this code must match the existing code for that set. Coupon set codes are not exposed in Kibo eCommerce Admin, but you can get them by exporting existing coupon sets to a CSV file.
Coupon Code The code that the customer enters to redeem the coupon. This is also the unique identifier of the coupon itself.

Each coupon code within a set must be unique, but you can use the CouponSets file or Kibo eCommerce Admin to change the maximum number of redemptions allowed for all codes in a coupon set.
Any string. Kibo eCommerce supports special characters for coupon codes.
Redemption Count The total number of times the coupon has been redeemed. Any integer value. This value is read-only, and can be left blank when importing coupons.


Corresponding API Resource: commerce/catalog/admin/couponsets

The Coupon Sets file defines coupon sets in Kibo eCommerce, including the dates they are valid and the maximum number of times their member coupons can be redeemed. Coupons and coupon sets are catalog-level items in Kibo eCommerce. You cannot create coupon sets on a master catalog.

Only Kibo eCommerce can create generated coupon codes. You cannot import generated codes, because specifying the code names in a file is an inherently manual operation. If you are using the Import/Export Application to update existing generated codes, you must export the codes, delete them via Kibo eCommerce Admin, and then re-import them to a new coupon set as manual codes.

Column Name Description Valid Values
Catalog Name The name of the catalog that contains the coupon set. To add a coupon set to multiple catalogs, create a new row for each catalog. Any string that is a valid, unique catalog name on your Kibo eCommerce tenant. This must be an existing catalog, and cannot be a master catalog.

Note: The Import/Export Application expects all catalog names to be unique on your tenant. If multiple catalogs share the same name, you must temporarily rename the catalog you want to modify before you can import coupons or coupon sets. You can revert to the original name after the coupons are imported.
Coupon Set Code The unique identifier for the coupon set. Any string that is a valid coupon set code. Character limit: 32.

If you are creating new coupons by importing a Coupons file with this file, this code can be any string, provided both files use the same Coupon Set Code.
Name The name of the coupon set as it appears in Kibo eCommerce Admin. Any string.
Coupon Code Type The type of coupon codes that the set contains. A string matching one of the following:
  • Manual
  • Generated
For import operations, this value can be empty or Manual. An empty Coupon Code Type defaults to Manual.

Only Kibo eCommerce can create generated coupon codes. You cannot import generated codes, because specifying the code names in a file is an inherently manual operation. If you are using the Import/Export Application to update existing generated codes, you must export the codes, delete them via Kibo eCommerce Admin, and then re-import them to a new coupon set as manual codes.
StartDate The time and date at which a coupon code becomes valid, in UTC format. If you do not specify a StartDate, the coupon is valid as soon as it is added to Kibo eCommerce. A date and time in UTC format. If you specify a date but not a time, the time defaults to 12:00:01 AM.
EndDate The time and date at which a coupon code ceases to be valid, in UTC format. If you do not specify an EndDate, the coupon is valid indefinitely, or until a specified Max Redemptions Per CouponCode is reached. A date and time in UTC format. If you specify a date but not a time, the time defaults to 11:59:59 PM.
Max Redemptions Per CouponCode The maximum number of times a single coupon code within the coupon set can be redeemed by any customer. This value applies to all coupons in the coupon set. Any integer value.
Max Redemptions Per User The maximum number of times a single coupon code within the coupon set can be redeemed by a single customer. This value applies to all coupons in the coupon set. Any integer value.
Redemption Count The total number of times the coupon has been redeemed. Any integer value. This value is read-only, and can be left blank when importing coupons.


Corresponding API Resource: commerce/catalog/admin/search/synonyms

The Search Synonyms  file defines search synonyms in Kibo eCommerce.

Column Name Description Valid Values
Site Name The name of the site that this synonym applies within. Any string that is a valid site name.
Expansion Whether this synonym is a one-way or two-way expansion. A string of either "bidirectional" or "directed".
Synonym ID The unique identifier of the synonym. Any string that is a valid ID.
Term The term that is being mapped to. Any string.
Synonym The secondary term that the original maps to. Any string.


Corresponding API Resource: commerce/catalog/admin/search/redirect

The Search Term Redirects file defines search term redirects in Kibo eCommerce.

Column Name Description Valid Values
Site Name The name of the site that this redirect applies within. Any string that is a valid site name.
Redirect ID The unique identifier of the redirect. Any string that is a valid ID.
Search Term The search term that will trigger the redirect. Any string.
URL The URL that the user will be redirected to. Any string that is a valid URL.