General Settings

General site settings are accessed at System > Settings > General, where you can switch between catalogs and sites that you are configuring in the header. 

While General configurations are always displayed at the top of the page, other settings are separated into tabs as shown below. Note that some options, such as Storefront, may not be applicable for an OMS-only implementation that does not include eCommerce.

The General Settings page with a callout for the setting tabs

Note that changes to these settings may not immediately take effect when processing orders. It may take up to 15 minutes for updates to be reflected in the system while the cache refreshes. 

General Site Settings

These settings at the top of the page are your fundamental site settings.

Setting Name Description
Web Site Name

Contains the name of the site you are viewing, which you establish at System > Structure > Sites. Your site theme controls whether this value displays on your homepage, your invoices, and your packing slips. Editing the value in this field does not change the site name.

CDN Domain

Allows you to override the default subdomain for CDN-hosted content. For example, for SEO reasons you may prefer that the subdomain for your CDN content be instead of the default subdomain, which might be like cdn-tp1.Kibo By default, this feature is inactive. Contact your Kibo representative for information on enabling it.

Bust CDN Cache

Updates the URL for CDN content in order to force your storefront to display the latest version of files instead of versions that might be saved in cache. To enable the functionality of this button, your theme developer must complete the steps outlined in the Bust Cache topic.

Catalog Populates automatically based on the selection you make at System > Structure > Sites. You cannot change this value.

Ties the site to the appropriate channel you establish on the Channels page. Refer to Channel Settings for more information about creating channels.

Time Zone Controls which time zone Admin uses for events that record or require time-specific data.
Time Format Controls how the Time zone value is expressed.


The Email Settings allow you to configure default sender and reply-to settings, though they can be overridden at the individual email level. You cannot edit the formatting or content of emails in the Admin UI. Email templates are customized through the theme instead.

Setting Name Description
Sender Email When Kibo sends an automatic email, this is the address that appears as the sender.
Sender Email Alias An alternate name for the sender email. For example, if your sender email is, you might want to use an alias of Customer Support.
Reply-to Email The email shoppers should use to reply to an automatically-generated email. 
Bcc Email An email to blind carbon copy anytime an automatic email is sent. 

Then, emails are organized into the below topics that allow you to toggle any emails used across the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform. To override the sender and reply-to defaults for an email template, click the pencil icon next to that email's toggle. Some emails, such as Subscriptions, may not be available if your implementation is not enabled for that feature.

Order Emails

The emails included in the Orders topic are:

Setting Name Description
Confirmed Sent to a customer upon successful creation of their order. Applies to all order types. Also known as an Order Confirmation email.

You can toggle whether or not to Send on API request. If enabled, this email will only be sent when orders are created via API with "isImport"=true. If an order is created via the Admin UI or storefront, no email will be sent unless manually triggered by clicking Resend Email.
Shipped This is a legacy email that should no longer be used by most KCCP implementations. Refer to the Shipment Confirmation email instead.
Cancelled Sent to a customer when their order is placed in the Cancelled state. Applies to all order types.
Refund Created Notifies the customer that a customer service representative or administrator has issued a refund on their order.
Item SubstitutedNotifies the customer that an item in their order was automatically substituted.

Returns Emails

The emails included in the Returns topic are:

Setting Name Description
Created Sent to the customer when a return has been created for their order.
Authorized Sent to the customer when their return has been authorized.
Rejected Notifies the customer that their return request has been rejected.
Updated Notifies the customer that their return case is updated in some way.
Closed Notifies the customer that their return has been completed and is now closed.

B2B Emails

The emails included in the B2B topic are:

Setting Name Description
Account Requested A confirmation email sent to a shopper who requested a B2B account when the request is submitted and their new account is placed into the Pending state for approval or rejection.
Account Denied Sent to the owner of a pending B2B account when their account creation request is denied.
Account Inactive Sent to the owner of a B2B account when the account is deactivated.
Quote Ready For Checkout Sent when a B2B quote is moved into the Ready For Checkout state, meaning it has been approved by the seller and is ready for the buyer to turn into an order.
Quote In Review A notification that a B2B quote has entered the In Review state and the seller should now be reviewing the quote that the buyer submitted.
Quote Expired A notification that a B2B quote has reached its expiration date and moved into the Expired state, in which it can no longer be edited or purchased.
Welcome Sent when a B2B account is created and approved.
Set/Reset Password Triggered on account creation and approval for B2B shoppers, prompting them to create a password. Also triggered if the user opts to reset their password at a later point.

Shipment Emails

The emails included in the Shipment topic are:

Setting Name Description
Shipment Confirmation Sent to a customer when their order is placed in the Fulfilled state. Applies to all order types.
Order Pickup Ready A BOPIS shipment enters the Ready for Customer Pickup state.
Ready for Delivery Notifies the customer that their Delivery shipment is ready for delivery.
Partial Pickup Ready Notifies the customer that part of their BOPIS or Curbside order is ready for pickup. Triggered when the fulfiller has processed the order and placed it into the Provide to Customer state.
Order Pickup Reminder A reminder email sent a certain amount of time after a BOPIS or Curbside shipment has been waiting for customer pickup.
Transfer Created Notifies a fulfiller that a new transfer shipment has been created so another fulfillment location can provide inventory for their BOPIS, Curbside, or Delivery order. The creation of this shipment is triggered when any transfer shipment is created, in comparison to Transfer Created on Inventory Reject which is triggered by a specific event in the Fulfiller UI.
Transfer Shipped Notifies a fulfiller that another location has shipped the transfer shipment for their BOPIS, Curbside, or Delivery order.
Transfer Created on Inventory Reject Notifies a fulfiller that a new transfer shipment has been created so another fulfillment location can provide inventory for their BOPIS, Curbside, or Delivery order. The creation of this shipment is only triggered when a transfer shipment is created from the Validate Stock step of the Fulfiller interface.
Shipment Backorder Date Changed Sent to the customer when the release date of their backordered items has been updated.
Fulfillment Location Assigned Sent to a fulfiller when a shipment is assigned to their location and is in the Ready state to be processed. Applies to all shipment types.
Curbside Ready Notifies the customer that their entire Curbside order is ready for pickup. Triggered when the fulfiller has processed the order and placed it into the Provide to Customer state.
Partial Curbside Ready Notifies the customer that part of their Curbside order is ready for pickup. Triggered when the fulfiller has processed the order and placed it into the Provide to Customer state.
Customer In Transit Sent to the fulfiller when the customer indicates they are on their way to pick up their Curbside order.
Customer Arrived Sent to the fulfiller when the customer indicates that they have arrived to pick up their Curbside order.
In Transit Confirmation Sent to the customer when they indicate that they are on their way to the fulfillment location to pick up their Curbside order.
Delivery Date Updated Notifies the customer that the expected delivery date of their Delivery shipment is changed.
Backorder Notifies the customer that an item shipment has been placed into the Backorder state due to lack of inventory.
Item Cancelled Sent to the customer when a line item is cancelled off of a shipment, or when a shipment is cancelled off the order.
Substitution - payment required
Sent when a product is substituted during fulfillment and additional payment needs to be collected from the customer due to a reprice.

Subscription Emails

The emails included in the Subscription topic are:

Setting Name Description
Activated Notifies the customer when a subscription is created, or when a paused subscription is reactivated.
Paused Sent when a subscription is paused (meaning that orders will not be sent until it is reactivated).
Errored Notifies the customer when a subscription has experienced an error.
Cancelled Notifies the customer when a subscription is cancelled.
Subscription Ordered Now Sent when a subscription is converted into an immediate order.
Next Order Date Updated Sent when the next order date of a subscription has been changed.
Skip Next Order Sent when the next subscription order will be skipped, meaning that shipments will continue with the next regular order date after the skipped date.
Subscription Order Reminder Sent at least one day before a subscription is converted into a continuity order. The number of days that this email is sent in advance must be configured in the Subscription settings, or else the email will not be sent.
Frequency Updated for Subscription Sent when the frequency of a subscription has been changed.
Payment Updated Sent when the payment information on a subscription has been changed.
Shipping Info Updated Sent when the shipping address or shipping method on a subscription is changed.
Item Added to Subscription Sent when an item is added to an existing subscription.
Items in Subscription Cancelled Notifies the customer that an item in a subscription has been cancelled.
Item Quantity Updated Sent when the quantity of an item in a subscription is increased or decreased.
Subscription Paused Reminder Sent periodically to remind the customer that they have a paused subscription that they can reactivate. The interval at which this recurring email is sent must be configured in the Subscription settings.
Subscription Pause Limit Reached Sent when a subscription's pause limit has been reached and the subscription will be automatically reactivated. The number of days that this email is sent in advance must be configured in the Subscription settings.

Miscellaneous Emails

The emails included in the Miscellaneous topic are:

Setting Name Description
Back In Stock Notifies a subscribed customer when a product in a catalog returns to a site's active inventory after it is out of stock, or when a new product becomes available for the first time. Customers subscribe via a storefront widget for a particular product.
Gift Card Created Sent to the customer when they purchase a digital gift card. This email provides them with a card number and PIN.
Gateway Gift Card Created Sent to the customer when they purchase a gateway gift card and receive a card number and PIN.
Failure of Cancel Order Sent as a notification when an automatic attempt to cancel an order is not able to be completed and requires manual cancellation. This is delivered to the recipient address indicated by the "replyToEmail" setting.
Digital Item FulfilledSent to the customer when they purchase a digital item that is not a gift card or store credit.


The Storefront tab is divided into groups of Storefront Features, Security, Google reCAPTCHA, and SEO configurations.

Storefront Features

The settings included in the Features topic are:

Setting Name Description
Customer Wish List Enables or disables the customer wish list feature on the storefront.
Address Validation Enables or disables address validation during checkout. By default, this feature only supports US addresses. However, you can create a custom application to validate international addresses. See the Address Validator documentation for details about how to do this.

If desired, you can also enable or disable whether to Allow Invalid Addresses.
Ship to Multiple Addresses Enables shipping items in an order to multiple shipping addresses, using different shipping methods. Before enabling this feature, you must make changes to your theme. Refer to the Ship to Multiple Addresses topic for more information.


The settings included in the Security topic are:

Setting Name Description
Enforce Sitewide SSL This setting enables secure communication across your entire site, using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security protocol. Every page on your site will display as an HTTPS page and contain an SSL certificate. Before enabling this feature:
  • Ensure that you have purchased SSL certificates for your site and contacted your Kibo representative to apply them to your site (this is normally done when your site goes live).
  • Ensure that your theme does not hardcode non-secure (HTTP) URLs, which may result in shoppers encountering warnings or errors while browsing your site.
Require Login to View Staging Site Control whether visitors must log in before viewing the staged version of the site.
Require Login to View Live Site Control whether visitors must log in before viewing the live version of the site.

Google reCAPTCHA

Enter a Site Key, Secret, and Validity Score requirement in this section's provided fields before enabling reCAPTCHA:

Setting Name Description
Enable Google ReCAPTCHA Enforce reCAPTCHA validation when a user logs into their account.


In this section, you can provide a default image that will display when any other image is broken or not found, or upload your own robots.txt file:

Setting Name Description
Upload File Upload a robots.txt file to control how search engine crawlers access the site.
Substitute for Missing Images Assigns an image to render in place of broken images and unspecified product images. If an image breaks on your site, or if a product does not have an image specified, shoppers see this image instead.

Note: This image also displays in place of unspecified category images. However, most themes, including the Core theme, do not display category images by default. Instead themes are typically set up to add images to category pages using widgets. Therefore, this setting has no practical effect on category pages unless your theme developer has enabled category images.

Analytics Tools

In this tab, you can configure your Google Analytics settings and enter Google Account information.

Setting Name Description
Enable Google Analytics on Your Storefront Determines whether Google Analytics is being used on your storefront or not.
Enable Google Analytics eCommerce Transaction Tracking Determines whether Google Analytics is being used to track eCommerce transactions or not.
Google User Account (UA#) Your Google user account number.
Google Webmaster Tools To connect to your Google account, you can choose the HTML file upload option and use this setting to upload the file Google provides.


This section has a number of fulfillment configurations that will be applied across your entire site and its fulfillment locations.

Payment Capture Settings

This section configures auto capture, flexible auto capture, and payment ranking.

Setting Name Description
Auto Capture Toggle auto capture on or off, as well as set the auto capture interval. See Auto Capture for more information.
Force Capture on First Capture When using auto capture, you can forcibly capture all shipments on an order (except for Backorder shipments) if any one shipment is ready for capture.
Flexible Auto Capture: Capture By Select whether to capture based on shipment state or the shipment workflow, and then select the state or workflow step at which to perform the capture. If auto capture is enabled but no other configurations are set, then shipments will be captured upon fulfillment.
Force Auto Capture Force auto capture after a certain number of days, or at a certain interval of minutes.
Payment/Refund Ranking Rank payment methods and refund methods by preferred order of capturing and issuing refunds. See Payment Rankings for more information.

Backorder Settings

This section configures backorder jobs and defaults.

Setting Name Description
Backorder Job Enable and set the job intervals for processing backorders. These may not be editable to admins.
Enable Payment Void and Reauth If backorder jobs are enabled, then you can opt to void and reauth the payment when a backordered shipment is released.
Default Backorder Days The default amount of days that an order or shipment is expected to be in backorder.

Return Settings

This section configures return defaults and preferences.

Setting Name Description
Default Return Processing Fee Set the default processing fee for returns shipped back by customers.
Return Shipping Address Select the default fulfillment location to process returns shipped back by customers.
Display Refund to New Gift Card Selection Enabling this will allow a customer service representative to select the option to refund a full amount to a new gift card.
Refund/Credit on Imported Orders Enabling this will allow returns, refunds, and credits to be processed on orders that were imported in a completed state.
Refund Shipping and Handling Determines whether shipping and handling fees are refunded with a return refund. If enabled, the option to refund shipping/handling will be checked by default when initiating the refund in the Admin and Fulfiller UIs. If disabled, the option will be unchecked by default in both UIs.

Fulfillment Settings

This section determines default rejection actions, whether to enable shipment edits, and pickup reminder jobs.

Setting Name Description
Action on BOPIS/STH-C reject Select whether items rejected during customer pickup or STH consolidation should be cancelled or sent to Customer Care. The default is cancelled.
Edit Data on Shipment Enable this to allow users to edit unit prices on shipment items in the Fulfiller UI.
Pickup Reminder Job Enable and set the job intervals for sending pickup reminders. These may not be editable to admins.
Enable Configurable Shipment Release Enable this if you want to configure how long after order submission shipments are created. If not enabled, then shipments will be immediately created by default.
Create Shipments _ Minutes After Order Submit Determines how long after order submission shipments are created. If the Enable Configurable Shipment Release toggle is enabled, then this option is required. It can be any number from 1-7200.
Reserve Inventory when Order Status is PendingShipment Enable this if you want to reserve inventory when the order is in the Pending Shipment status. If disabled, then inventory will not be reserved until the order's shipments are created. This requires the Enable Configurable Shipment Release toggle to be enabled.
Retain Flat Rate Per Order
Enable this if you want to charge shoppers a custom flat rate shipping fee. This is disabled by default. The custom rate amount is configured as part of Shipping Carrier settings.
Reprice on Substitution Enables repricing when a product is substituted during fulfillment.

Transfer Settings

This section allows you to enable BOPIS transfers and STH Consolidation.

Setting Name Description
BOPIS Transfer Enable BOPIS Transfer to allow locations to provide each other with missing inventory for customer pickup. Select defaults for transfer shipment creation, default transfer shipping methods, and whether shipment items should be cancelled if the parent shipment is.
Always Create BOPIS Transfer Shipments Enabling this will allow creation of a transfer shipment regardless of inventory availability.
Cancel Transfer Shipment/Item Enabling this will cancel transfer shipments or items when a cancellation occurs on the parent BOPIS shipment or item. You can also restrict selected cancellation steps for the fulfillment process.
Ship to Home Consolidation Enabling this will allow consolidation of STH shipments via transfers. You can select a default shipping method for STH transfers.
Cancel Transfer Shipment/Item Enabling this will cancel transfer shipments or items when a cancellation occurs on the parent STH shipment or item. You can also restrict selected cancellation steps for the fulfillment process.

Inventory Settings

This section allows you to enable how inventory is managed.

Setting Name Description
Allocate Inventory for Orders in Pending Review Status By default, this setting is disabled and shipments are not created until an order is accepted. However, enabling this setting will create shipments for Pending Review orders and reserve inventory for them. These will be blocked from fulfillment in the Fulfiller UI until the order is accepted. If the order or shipments are cancelled, the inventory will be deallocated.
Future Inventory Enables Future Available to Promise Inventory, and allows you to set a Future Date Limit and Future Date Unit. See the Future Inventory documentation for more details.
Location Fulfillment Types Select "In Store Pick Up" or "Direct Ship" to look for BOPIS and/or STH fulfillment types when checking inventory availability on the location filter in the Search and Category pages with the Real-Time Inventory Service. If nothing is selected, these pages will reference In Store Pick Up inventory levels by default.

Tax Settings

This section determines what tax adjustments are allowed in the Order Admin.

Setting Name Description
Disable Tax and Duty Adjustments Restricts Admin UI users from making tax and duty adjustments (including item, handling, and shipping tax) on all orders across all sites. 

Other Settings

This section includes other miscellaneous settings.

Setting Name Description
Apply Line Item Discounts on External Pricing Determines whether or not to apply line item discounts to order items using external pricing (or when a CSR manually overrides the unit price). This is disabled by default.


In this tab, you can determine preferences for subscription continuity orders and other actions.

Setting Name Description
Order Now Resets Next Order Date Toggle whether performing the Order Now action updates the subscription's next order date. If enabled, the next order date will be reset based on the current date and frequency. If disabled, the next order date that already exists will remain unchanged. This is enabled by default.
Create Continuity Order _ Days Before Next Order Date Enter an integer to create continuity orders that number of days before the next order date. If nothing is set, continuity orders will be created on the next order date.
Pause Subscription for _ Continuity Orders Enter an integer to set a limit for how long a subscription can be paused. The subscription will be automatically reactivated after the set number of continuity orders have passed.
Update Next Order Date Up to _ Days From Existing Next Order Date If next order date is manually updated, it can be set as far as the configured days from the current next order date. For example, if the date is August 24 and the next order date is September 2, and this configuration is set to 7 days, the next order cannot be changed to any date later than September 9.
Skip Subscription _ Times Enter an integer to limit the amount of times a subscription may be skipped. The ability to skip a continuity order will be disabled once that amount of skips has been made in a row. When this happens, a continuity order must be placed before the subscription can be skipped again.
Allow Order All or Partial Items Now Once Every _ Days 
After ordering either all or partial items now, both of these actions will be restricted for the configured number of days. This must be an integer greater than 0.
Send Subscription Reminder _ Days Before Next Order Enter an integer to determine how many days in advance the subscription order reminder email will be sent to customers. This email template must also be enabled in the Email settings above.
Send Email _ Days Before Paused Subscription is Re-Activated Enter an integer to determine how many days in advance the subscription paused limit reached email will be sent to customers. This email template must also be enabled in the Email settings above.
Send Email Reminder Every _ Days for Paused Subscriptions Enter an integer to determine the interval at which the subscription paused reminder email is sent to the customer, informing them that they have a paused subscription they can reactivate. This email template must also be enabled in the Email settings above.