Users and User Groups

You must create Admin accounts in order for admins, customer service representatives, sales representatives, and other users to access the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform. This guide explains how to create and invite users, as well as organize them into user groups and block IPs.

For more information about roles and the behavior permissions that control each user's access level, see the User Roles guide.

View and Invite Users

Once you define your organization's roles, you can invite specific users to your account. Go to System > Permissions > Users to view the list of current users. If searching for an existing user, use the search bar or expand the drop-down menu to filter the results by first name, last name, or email address.

The Users page with example users

To invite a new user:

  1. Click Add User.
  2. Enter an email address.
  3. In Access Level, select one or more roles.
  4. Click Invite User.The Add User module where you can select their access role
  5. When the user accepts the invitation, they will register their account and can begin working in Admin.

All registered users' passwords must be at least six characters in length and include at least one number and one letter.

Edit Users

You can edit an existing user's email, username, and access level. 

  1. Go to System > Permissions > Users.
  2. Click a user in the table whose account you want to edit, or expand the drop-down action menu on the right of the table row and click Edit
  3. Edit their Email and/or Username as needed.
  4. Select and/or deselect roles as needed under the user's Access Level.
  5. Click Save.View of the Edit User module with several access levels selected

User Groups

Users can be organized into groups at Settings > Permissions > Groups. Create groups and assign existing users to them in order to create sets of similar users such as regional administrators, sales managers, etc. depending on your needs.

The User Groups page

To create a new group:

  1. Click Add Group.
  2. Enter a required name and a shorthand code for the group.
  3. Enter an description if desired.
  4. Click Create Group to confirm.

    The Add Group module with forms for name, code, and description

  5. Begin adding users by selecting them from the drop-down. You may begin typing the user's name and they will appear as the suggested result.
  6. Click Add Users when complete.

    The Add Users module with a drop-down menu to search for users

Once created, the group will be displayed in the table. Click any group in the table to view its details and edit the name, description, or user list.

The user group details and list of users