
All of your available fulfillment locations are listed on the Locations page of Order Routing. These locations are grouped into scenarios where routing logic and shipment assignment preferences are configured. These scenarios are managed through the Routing Strategy page, but you can perform location-specific actions like adding or removing them from scenarios on the Locations page as well.

Note that changes to Order Routing settings may not immediately take effect when processing orders. It may take up to 15 minutes for updates to be reflected in the system while the cache refreshes.

Manage Locations

 Use the checkboxes to select one or more locations and then use the dropdown menu to perform the following bulk actions on them:

  • Click on a location name to view other details, such as its External ID (if applicable) and a list of scenarios it is currently assigned to.
  • Deactivate or activate locations from order routing.
  • Add or remove locations from their assigned scenarios. See the following section of this guide for more details about this process.
  • Create a new scenario with the selected locations. Selecting this option and clicking Next will redirect you to the Create Scenario screen.

The Locations page with the drop-down menu of location actions

Add or Remove Locations from Scenarios

To change whether selections are assigned to a scenario or not:

  1. After checking some locations in the tale, click either Add to existing scenario or Remove from scenario in the table.
  2. Click Next to display a list of scenarios across your entire routing strategy. Select one or more scenarios in the list.The Remove from Scenario action with example scenarios
  3. Click Save.