Pay with Amazon Technical Specs

Amazon Payments logo
Current Version: 1.0.0 (May 2015)
Platforms: Legacy eCommerce, KCCP eCommerce and eCommerce+OMS
App Documentation

The Pay with Amazon Application by Kibo eCommerce leverages the API Extensions framework to communicate with Amazon using the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS). You can leverage features from both Kibo eCommerce and Amazon to test the functionality of the app before publishing it to your live site(s).

Testing any app is always a best practice, and is necessary if you have made any modifications to the sample code provided on GitHub.

Enable Detailed Logging

If you have API Extensions fully enabled on your developer account, you can view log files of all the code actions that have executed on your tenant:

  1. In Admin, go to Settings > System Administration > Action Management to display the Action Management JSON Editor.
  2. Change defaultLogLevel to "info".
  3. In the Dev Center console, go to Logs > Action Logs.
  4. Select your tenant and click Search to see the actions.

Enable Negative Testing on Your Sandbox

  1. In Admin, go to Settings > System Administration > Action Management to display the Action Management JSON Editor.
  2. Under the embedded.commerce.payments.action.performPaymentInteractionaction, add the following configuration to enable Auth & Capture decline testing:
    	  "actionId": "embedded.commerce.payments.action.performPaymentInteraction",
    	  "contexts": [
    	      "customFunctions": [
    			  "applicationKey": "<YOUR APPLICATION KEY>",
    			  "functionId": "embedded.commerce.payments.action.performPaymentInteraction",
    			  "enabled": true,
    			  "configuration" : { "payment" : {  "declineCapture": true, "declineAuth" : true } }