September 7, 2021 — 1.2134 Service Update

Production Tenant Features

eCommerce Functionality

  • Quick Edits: The new Quick Edits feature allows you to make the same update to an attribute value across multiple products at once from the Products page. This update is performed at a master catalog level for Product attributes (i.e. pricing fields & properties), and saves you from having to perform the update one at a time for each product or using the import/export tool to perform a bulk update. For more information, see the updated Products guide.
  • Customize Refund Reasons: New Arc.js before and after actions are now supported to customize payment refund reasons. These actions are http.refundReasons.before and http.refundReasons.after and relate to the Order API’s Get Refund Reasons operation. Calling these actions allows additional refund reason options to be added to the API and selected in the Admin UI when processing a refund on an order. See the Arc.js documentation for more information about these actions.
  • Refund/Credit to Gift Cards: A new gift card payment type setting, called Refund/Credit Setting, now controls whether credits are made to an existing gateway gift card or to a new card. When this setting is toggled to credit new gift cards, then the system will perform a no-operation on the existing gift card while issuing the actual credit to a new one. If toggled to credit existing gift cards, then it will issue the credit directly on the known card. To support this, if viewing an order in the Order Admin UI then the Payments tab now displays a new section for Credits that includes the date, amount, original payment (original gift card number), and new payment (new gift card number) information.

    In Version 1.2132, initiating an automatic refund will always generate a new gift card regardless of the Refund/Credit Setting and will follow the payment rankings per existing functionality. This will be updated in Version 1.2134 to support refunding to existing gift cards based on the new setting. See the Gift Card Processing and Appeasements documentation for more information. Other related guides have also been updated where appropriate to clarify the crediting/refunding behavior.

Order Management & Fulfiller Functionality

  • Toggle Return Status: The Return Status column of the Fulfiller UI can now be hidden via theme customization if desired, such as if an implementation does not process returns in the Fulfiller UI and wants to toggle the displayed fields off. Though always displayed by default, the displayReturnsSection tenant setting is now available in the theme language files – a value of 1 will display the return column, while a value of 0 will hide it. For more information, see the documentation for Fulfiller Customization.
  • NativeScript Printing: The NativeScript fulfillment application now supports Air Print/Android Print for creating and reprinting pick waves and shipping manifests, in addition to return receipts. The print options will be displayed when creating or viewing a pick wave, manifest, or return.
  • Automatic BOPIS Transitioning: When a BOPIS shipment in the Waiting for Transfer state has no remaining Ready transfer shipments, it will now automatically move to Customer Pickup. Previously, BOPIS shipments could end up remaining in Waiting for Transfer even when it had no transfer shipments remaining to be fulfilled and thus required a manual transition. To support this, when an item is canceled or rejected from the Transfer shipment it is also rejected from the parent BOPIS shipment. This ensures that the BOPIS shipment reflects the correct quantity and price for that item when it reaches Customer Pickup.
  • Expected Delivery Dates: Previously, an Expected Delivery Date could only be displayed for Delivery shipments. This has been extended to STH, BOPIS, Curbside, and Transfer shipments so that if provided via the Shipment API, the expected delivery or pickup date field will be displayed in the shipment details of the Fulfiller UI (as well as the Provide to Customer step for BOPIS and Curbside shipments). This field cannot currently be updated in the UI but can be changed via API as needed. It can also be hidden via site theme customization, but if no value is provided for the field then it will not be displayed by default. In the case of BOPIS or Curbside shipments, this date will be when the pickup is expected to be ready (such as the same day, or the following if the order was placed near closing hours). In the case of Transfer, this is the day that the shipment is expected to arrive at the fulfillment location. This field will also be added to the Admin UI in a future update.

B2B Functionality

  • B2B Subscription Events: B2B event subscriptions have been added to the Dev Center, allowing you to receive notifications when B2B account statuses are changed. When an account is approved or denied, as well as when a previously-approved account is deactivated or reactivated, a notification will be sent containing the account ID and its old and new statuses. The Event Subscription documentation has not yet been updated but will be on Monday. 

Search Functionality

  • Typo Tolerance vs. Min Match: Note that this feature was added to sandbox in Version 1.2128 but has now been moved to 1.2130. The Typo Tolerance options in the site search configurations are now hidden when Min Match is in use. These features cannot both be active at the same time, so Typo Tolerance will not be displayed if Min Match is set to a percentage other than 0 percent. It will be available only when Min Match is set to 0 percent. For more information about these features, see the documentation.

Production Sandbox Features

eCommerce Functionality

  • Refund/Credit to Gift Card Updates: Initiating an automatic refund now refers to the new payment settings added in Version 1.2132 to determine whether the refund is made to a new or existing gift card, instead of only refunding to a new gift card by default. Additionally, when a credit or refund has been made to a new gateway gift card, the ability to resend the new gift card email to the billing contact is now supported. This option (a “Resend New GC Email” button) is available from the credit payment section of an order’s payment information or the refund payment section on the order in the Admin UI.
  • Amazon Pay Capture Window: Orders created with Amazon Pay payment methods previously failed capture after they were in Pending status for 7 days and did not support manual payment capture. However, Amazon has a 30-day window for capture on a payment authorization. Kibo Composable Commerce Platform payment processes have now been updated to support Amazon’s longer capture window, and will not forcibly fail the order while the pending payment is still valid in Amazon.

Order Management Functionality

  • Suggestion Test UI: As part of ongoing updates to the UI, a new Suggest Debug page of Order Routing will allow to user to test detailed routing suggestion calls by configuring the desired item data, as well as generating the inventory response and routing group information. This is an expansion to the capabilities currently provided by the existing Suggestion Logs page, which only retrieves logs for a suggestion already performed via API. See the Order Routing UI guide for more information.
  • Shipping & Location Settings Updates: The shipping carrier site settings now list the available carriers in a dropdown menu instead of a horizontal row displaying all carriers by default. This better supports adding more carriers in the future while maintaining a better user experience. Likewise, the display of carrier options in location group configurations has been updated to better display the enabled carriers, printing options, and other related settings including the supported box types. Functionality has not changed, only the UI layout. See the shipping settings and location group settings documentation for more information.
  • Transfer Setting Rename: In the general site settings, the “Transfer” button to enable transfer shipments has been renamed to “BOPIS Transfer” for better clarity in the future. The functionality has not changed; this button will determine whether transfers are allowed to be created to fulfill BOPIS shipments or not.
  • More HTML API Support: As a follow-up to the 1.2130 update to add HTML support for printing pick list and pick wave documents from the API, the same functionality has been extended to the shipment packing slips (shipments/{shipmentNumber}/rendition/html), return receipts (fulfillment/returns/{returnId}/receipt/html), order summaries (fulfillment/orders/{orderId}/summary/html and shipments/{shipmentNumber}/order-summary/html), and order pick sheets (pickwaves/{pickWaveNumber}/order-pick-sheets/html). When GET calls are made to these endpoints, the responses will be in HTML format and can be printed. 
  • Custom BPM Enhancement: In the standard BPM for transfer shipments, when a transfer order is shipped to the receiving location then the assignedLocationCode field would be updated to the receiving location. However, this did not occur for custom SAP BPMs using a workflow state of SHIPPED instead of VALIDATE_INCOMING_TRANSFER. This required those implementations to make additional API calls during the transfer process. Now, that behavior has been added to the logic supporting that custom workflow and the assigned location will automatically update when a transfer ships.
  • Import Order Queue Update: The order import process used by OMS-only clients (including Curbside-only clients) to pull orders into KCCP from their front-end is no longer dependent on the payment service. This means that if the payment service is down, then orders are still able to be imported successfully for fulfillment and then processed once the service is available again.
  • Expected Delivery Date in Admin UI: The Expected Delivery Date field added in Version 1.2132 is now also displayed in the shipment details tab of the Order Admin UI if a date has been set for the shipment from the Fulfiller UI or API. This allows the expected dates for STH, BOPIS, Curbside, and Transfer shipments in addition to Delivery to be easily referenced by customer service representatives and administrators.

Translated OMS Functionality

  • Tax Overrides: As a follow-up to recent tax override enhancements for translated APIs in Version 1.2128, those overrides (itemTaxRateOverride and  shippingTaxRate) are now passed to the appropriate Commerce APIs during order creation. This allows the proper tax rates to be used when calculating the item totals for implementations based on transated APIs. Thus, updating the unit prices in the Admin UI will result in the tax rates being appropriately re-adjusted based on the override rates and the unit price change. See the Translated API user guides for more information about the APIs as needed.
  • Order Import API: The Import Order API now improves the importation of historical OMS orders for upgraded clients using the translated APIs. These OMS orders are displayed in the Admin UI, the same way as orders imported from the previous version of eCommerce – no edits are allowed, though order data may be viewed. Only orders in the fulfilled or canceled statuses can be imported into KCCP from Classic using this API. See this API documentation in the Translated API user guides.
  • Custom Data: Improvements have been made to the Translated OMS APIs so that they can pull custom order data from an order’s shipment objects. The Kibo Composable Commerce Platform tracks custom data at the shipment level and does not allow it to be edited at the order level (any changes to custom data in the UI will be present only on the order’s shipments). This also allows custom data to be displayed in transaction logs, though if you want to retrieve custom data via API call then you must use the Get Shipment API instead of Get Order. See the Translated API user guides for more information about the APIs as needed.

Bug Fixes

The following list summarizes resolved issues for this release.

Targeted for Production TenantsCustomer lifetime values were not being updated from historical OMS import orders as they were expected to be. This has been fixed so that lifetime values will be properly updated as long as the order.submittedDate field is provided in the payload for the Create Order API call.
Targeted for Production TenantsOnly 25 locations would be listed when creating an order from the Admin UI, preventing other locations with available inventory from being selected as the designated fulfiller. A larger page size has now been implemented to enable displaying all inventory locations.
Targeted for Production TenantsAdding a customer segment to discount conditions via the Add button would not display more than 25 segments at a time and also did not display a scroll bar, making it difficult to add more segments. This has been fixed so that the list of available segments is scrollable.
Targeted for Production TenantsAfter closing a pick wave, some shipments would remain in the Accept Shipment state rather than proceeding to Prepare for Shipment. This has been corrected so that all shipments will properly move to the next fulfillment state when their pick wave is complete.
Targeted for Production TenantsShipment IDs were not displayed in the courier label. This has been updated so that these IDs will be listed on the label, enabling stores to easily identify the shipment. This will support another upcoming fix to correct an issue where shipping labels are not populating important reference fields on shipping labels.
Targeted for Production TenantsIn a particular implementation, clicking “Save” on the Carriers page of the Shipping Settings resulted in a validation failure error instead of saving the custom rate settings. This has been corrected so that custom rates can be successfully updated.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe Listing Preview endpoint was ignoring any supplied Category ID in the query as part of the search request, causing the response to be the same regardless of any specified category. This has been fixed so that the search results will vary based on the intended category being queried.
Targeted for Production TenantsAfter the initial sandbox release, searching for an order/shipment in the Fulfiller UI or entering a fulfillment queue resulted in a blank page. A hotfix has been added to this release that will allow these pages to load and properly display shipment data.
Targeted for Production TenantsCalling the Auto Refund API sometimes resulted in a validation conflict, with a message that a return had insufficient funds for automating refunds. This issue resulted in the Initiate Refund button for affected returns to be disabled and some data was not displaying in the return details of the Admin UI. This has been corrected so that refunds can be successfully initiated.
Targeted for Production TenantsOrders with more than 10 shipments were able to be completed without the payment being fully collected, as one payment was captured and the status changed to Paid while there was still a remaining balance. This was due to miscalculating payments based on the default pageSize of shipment data in the Fulfillment APIs. This has been updated so that larger number of shipments can be accurately calculated for payment statuses.
Targeted for Production SandboxesIn Version 1.2132, a quick fix was implemented to display more than 25 stores when selecting a fulfillment location while creating an order from the Admin UI. This fix has been enhanced as a long-term solution, in which proper pagination has been added to the dropdown location menu.
Targeted for Production SandboxesThe currency code was not displayed in the Credits transaction log when the payment type was PayPal (PayPalExpress2). This has been fixed so that the Tlogs always display the proper currency code for payments.
Targeted for Production SandboxesPassing product dimensions into the Product API using the metric system resulted in an error response stating that only imperial was allowed. This API has been updated to allow for metric units of length, weight, and volume.
Targeted for Production SandboxesWhen issuing a refund in the Admin UI, any overridden price or product duty amounts added to an order item via API were not factored into the refund amount. This has been corrected so that the refunds are appropriate calculated.
Targeted for Production SandboxesItem options were not being displayed in pick sheets, as they were missing from the pick wave content model and thus not available in the theme. These values are now able to be successfully plugged into pick wave documents.
Targeted for Production SandboxesTo follow up on a 1.2132 fix for courier labels, shipping labels that were missing order and shipment ID information for a particular implementation have now been fixed. This data will now be populated again on affected shipping labels.
Targeted for Production SandboxesAdding an expression to boost InStock products resulted in a 500 error when using the storefront search and Product Search API. This has been corrected so that available products can be boosted and searched successfully.