Announcement: Import Inventory API Migration
As part of ongoing migration of internal inventory endpoints, Kibo will be migrating the import inventory internal endpoints on production tenants from January 27 through February 10. The endpoints on production sandboxes were already migrated in 2024.
This is the first of three phases of inventory migration planned in the first half of 2025. No action is required from you but if you have questions, please contact Kibo Support.
Production Tenant Features
- Multiselect Location Attributes: When configuring location attributes, you can now enable them for multiselection when they have a List input type. This means that when setting attribute values for a location, more than one option can be selected for that location.
- API PageSize Limit: The
request parameter of Commerce APIs now enforces a maximum of 200 results. Requesting more than 200 will not cause a validation error, but only 200 records will be returned per page. - Imported Order Payment Update: If an order is imported via the Create Order API with
enabled on the payment interaction, the system will no longer store a card ID or auth in Kibo's payment service. Any actions made on payments of this type must be performed manually (including captures, voids, and credits). This was the expected behavior for orders imported with manual payments, but will now be better handled by the system.
Production Bug Fixes
Service | Resolution |
Catalog | When exporting product data from a catalog, all product attributes were included in the export even if they were not part of the appropriate master catalog. This process has been updated so that attributes are filtered by the master catalog. |
Commerce | Not all customer attributes were being retrieved for the My Account page. Only up to a maximum of 20 were being provided by the Get Account Attributes API, while the pageSize parameter was not working as expected to retrieve additional results. This has been fixed so that all attributes can be successfully retrieved. |
Commerce | Some refund amounts were exceeding the order total by $0.01 in cases where the total was not divisible by the quantities of products. This rounding issues has been corrected so that the refund amount equals the expected total. |
Fulfiller | Issues were being experienced when rejecting partial quantity of BOPIS transfer shipments on a particular implementation, as the remaining quantity was immediately marked fulfilled and an Internal Server error was experienced. This has been fixed so that quantity goes through the appropriate transfer receipt and customer pickup steps as intended, without additional errors. |
Internal Production Details
Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:
- Multiselect Location Attributes: COM-9107
- API PageSize Limit: COM-8731
- Imported Order Payment Update: COM-9200
- Note that some additional UI work has been done for upcoming multi quantity substitutions, but will not be included in release notes and documentation until that feature is released.
The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:
- CHAR-5724: The LocationAvailabilityController queries have been updated to support granular fields in the request and response.
- CHAR-5940: Legacy inventory code has been updated to support a
header. When provided, this will create non-runnable jobs for comparison purposes which allows job queue-related requests to be replayed and thus improve testing.
Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:
Production Sandbox Features
- Call Center Filters: You can now apply filters when searching for orders, customers, or returns in the Call Center UI to fine-tune your results. These are the same advanced filters that are already available in the Orders, Customers, and Returns dashboards of the Admin UI.
- Export First Available Date: When exporting the ProductCatalog sheet with the Import/Export 3.0 tool, the
field will now be included. This corresponds to the First Available Date in product configurations and will be added as an optional selection while configuring an export via the UI in a future release.
- Add/Edit Safety Stock: You can now set a Safety Stock value when creating a new inventory record in the Inventory UI, as well as edit Safety Stock when updating an existing inventory record.
- Granular Inventory Updates: Several updates have been made for granular inventory to improve the management of granular levels and handle substitution cases.
- You can now add granular inventory fields when creating a new inventory record directly from the UI, where previously granular inventory had to be set up via API.
- You can now edit granular inventory fields while updating an existing record.
- You can now use
flags in the Get Inventory API to choose whether the returned inventory values include Safety Stock, LTD, and Floor values at the granular level. See the Granular Inventory Fields guide for more details. - A new API,
, can now be used to update the shipment item allocation data to adjust granular quantity and add new granular records. This allows granular levels to be adjusted when there are discrepancies that require reallocation such as damaged inventory or mismatched data. The API documentation will be updated soon.
Sandbox Bug Fixes
Service | Resolution |
Catalog | Not all variant products were being updated after upload via either the Products API or the Import/Export tool. This was due to an issue with the system processing permutations of different products, but has been corrected so that variant products can be successfully updated. |
Commerce | Returns were unable to be initiated for some orders, due to a discrepancy with Order Item IDs that occurred when initial line items were deleted from the order before submission. This has been fixed so that these IDs are mapped correctly and returns can be successfully initiated. |
Internal Sandbox Details
Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:
- Call Center Filters: ICKY-1329
- Export First Available Date: CAT-6020 (requested by Skillnet Solutions)
- Granular and Safety Stock Updates: ICKY-1209, ICKY-1289, CHAR-5826, and FFMT-4617
- Note that some additional UI work has been done for the upcoming rules engine, but will not be included in release notes and documentation until that feature is released.
The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:
- CHAR-5907: To support the granular inventory and safety stock updates, the system has been updated to always skip creating a new inventory record if a 0 or null quantity is provided.
- CHAR-5743: The Block Assignment API has been ported to the inventory management service (with the endpoint
). - CHAR-5877: API contract changes have been made to better support shipment grouping at the same location, which was first announced in Version 1.2452.
- CHAR-5872: The Import File project has been updated to properly work within GCP environments.
Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets: