February 6, 2024 — 1.2404 Service Update

Production Tenant Features 


  • Percentage-Based Adjustments: When performing adjustments on shipment subtotals, you can now make the adjustment based on a percentage of the subtotal instead of specifying an exact value to add or subtract. For instance, you can now tell the system to reduce a shipping cost by 25% and it will calculate the appropriate amount of instead of requiring you to do the calculation yourself. 
  • Duty Fees Enhancement: In addition to the Admin UI support for duty fees added in 1.2352, a Duty Fee column is now displayed on the Subscribed Items table of subscription details if duty exists for any of the items. If no duty fees are set, the column will not be shown. Additionally, you can now edit duty fee totals when making shipment adjustments, using the same method as adjusting the item total, shipping, or handling. 
  • Manual Reassignment Location Search: When performing a manual reassignment on a shipment, the Inventory and All Locations tabs now include a search bar that allows you to filter the list of potential assignment locations by performing an exact search for a location name or code. By extension, this means that you can also filter by locations in the Get Inventory API by specifying a locationNameWhiteList (or inversely, a locationNameBlackList) to exclude locations from the inventory results.


  • Disabled Location Clarification: Inventory from disabled locations is now more clearly highlighted on the Inventory UI dashboard. These rows will now be highlighted in grey with a tooltip specifying that the location is disabled and the inventory amounts will be excluded from the aggregate total. Previously, inventory from disabled locations was displayed the same as other inventory records which created confusion about the seemingly incorrect aggregate total.


  • Installment/Recycling Toggles: The tenant setting to enable installments and recycling has now been split into two separate toggles, meaning that you can use the installments feature without also activating recycling and vice versa. These settings must be configured by Kibo Support.

Production Bug Fixes

CommerceMaking a GET Quotes call with a user context that didn't have any B2B customer accounts assigned to them resulted in a null reference exception. This has been fixed so that this scenario is handled better.
CommerceAttempting to delete order attribute list values in the Admin UI resulted in a "Missing or invalid parameter" error. This has been corrected so that you can successfully delete these list values when needed.
CommerceOrder-level tax data was not being passed down to the shipment data as expected, meaning that the Get Shipment API call did not return order-level tax. This has been fixed so that all tax information is passed and reported appropriately in the order's shipments.
CommerceWhen viewing shipment details in the Admin UI, the dropdown menu to manage shipment items was not responding on Future shipments. This prevented reassignments, cancellation of the item, editing the unit price, and viewing custom data on the item. It has now been fixed so that this menu can be interacted with.
CommerceSome minor issues was experienced in sandbox after the release of the duty fees feature. The arrow icons on the order and shipment total pricing summaries were not displayed properly and appeared as boxes, and using the Add Item (After) API Extension caused an error when viewing items in the Admin UI. Both of these issues have now been fixed so the arrows are displayed as intended and the extension works.
CommerceThe meta description was no longer being provided with the page context of the Category page. This has been fixed so that meta data is properly included.
FulfillmentDuplicate shipments and incorrect item quantities were being experienced by a particular implementation after reassigning the original shipment. This has been fixed, but additional work may be required for some related shipment duplication errors.
SubscriptionsSome subscriptions had incorrect price list codes, as the pricing was only copied from the initial order and the Update Subscription API did not update the price lists for continuity orders as expected. This has been corrected so that price lists are successfully updated, and a new API has also been exposed for manual price list updates (...commerce/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/priceList, accepting a request body of a priceListCode string) that will be added to API documentation soon.
User ManagementA user role with read-only inventory access was still able to update and delete inventory levels in the Admin. This has been fixed so that users cannot edit inventory information in the system without the appropriate behaviors.

Restricted Content

Internal Sandbox Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CHAR-5307: The Order Routing service has been upgraded to Java 17.
  • CAT-4134: Sonar test coverage has been investigated and repos that were being missed are now included.
  • CAT-4322: A new tenant attribute, RetrySubStrategy, can now be used to allow tenants a 30-second initial delay when retrying event subscriptions. To do so, set this attribute to "ThirtySecondsFirst." This was deployed to production early, on January 31.
  • FFMT-3970, FFMT-3971, and COM-7790: The Returns and Fulfiller UIs as well as the Commerce Runtime repo have been migrated to .NET 6.

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CAT-4192: After setting the tenant attribute flag to allow subscriptions, the feature could not be provisioned until the cache was cleared. Now, the cache will be bypassed instead.
  • COM-8254: Serialization errors were experienced in the Mozu.Core.Extensible service after saving to the domain cache, which has now been fixed.

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Get Quotes Exception: COM-8265
  • Delete Order Attribute List Values: COM-8219 (reported by Ssense)
  • Order-Level Tax Not Passing to Shipments: COM-8181
  • Duty Fee Defects: COM-8245
  • Future Shipment Item Menu: COM-8014
  • Category Meta Description: TECH-1140
  • Duplicate Shipments: FFMT-4175 (reported by Positec, related to issues reported by Ace Hardware, Boscov's, and Laura Canada)
  • Subscription Price Lists: COM-8247 (reported by Proactiv)
  • User Inventory Behaviors: COM-8135 (reported by Conn's)

Production Sandbox Features 


  • Restrict Order Adjustments: A new site setting under Tax Settings, "Disable Tax and Duty Adjustments," can now restrict Admin UI users from making tax and duty adjustments (including item, handling, and shipping tax) on all orders across all sites. This does not currently restrict adjustments on the Subscriptions UI or via the Order API.
  • Real-Time Inventory in Catalog: Get Inventory API calls made from the Catalog for creating or updating reservations and checking location inventory from the front-end site now utilize the real-time inventory service. This means that real-time inventory levels will be referenced to ensure accuracy with current stock when performing those actions.
    • Updated February 27: Originally, support for real-time inventory in cart and checkout actions was also released in this version. This included adding items to the cart or checkout, creating checkouts from the cart, creating customer quotes, and updating inventory tags. However, that support has been reverted and will be re-released to sandboxes with Version 1.2408.


  • Force STH-Consolidation: A new site setting under STH Consolidation, "Force consolidation with 0 Inventory at consolidation location," allows you to to consolidate shipments even when there is no inventory at any STH-C enabled location. You can override this site setting in the Create Order API request by enabling or disabling the forceSTHConsolidationOnSplitShipments field.
  • Multi Piece Shipments: When this feature is enabled, fulfillers will have the option to associate all packages within a shipment with a single master tracking number if the carrier allows. This allows you to save money in scenarios where carriers charge shipping fees for every tracking number. This is supported for STH and Transfer shipments, but requires Split Packing Slips to be enabled as well and can only be used with custom carriers for now.


  • Address State Formatting: When entering a shipping address on the Subscriptions UI, full state names will now be automatically converted into state codes.

Sandbox Bug Fixes

CatalogEU platforms were experiencing slower load times due to the new Google Feed exports. Performance updates have now been implemented for this case.
CommerceReturn restocks were unable to be performed for imported historical orders, as managing stock was not allowed. Now, inventory will always be restocked upon returns assuming "Refund/credit on imported orders" is enabled in your return site settings.
CommerceIn a particular implementation mode, the sale price was not returned in order item subtotals and totals. This has been fixed so that line item data in this scenario properly include the sale price and any discounts.
FulfillmentWhen transfer shipments were created and then canceled, extra shipping charges were still being charged for the shipment. This has been corrected so that canceled transfer shipments will not retain those shipping costs.
FulfillmentShipping labels were not appearing for print previews or the shipment package data for a particular implementation, despite being successfully generated with the carrier. This has been fixed so that shipping labels are now properly displayed and accessible as expected.


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Internal Sandbox Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • COM-7974: Laura Canada's shipping labels have now been changed to substitute the service code with DOM.EP.PLUS as requested.
  • FFMT-4176: The Nexus repository now uses an updated HTTPS host and domain name.
  • COM-8270: A tenant setting, HideSubscriptions, has been used to hide the Subscriptions UI from the Admin navigation menu for Proactiv's implementation.
  • CHAR-5353: A refactored script has been created to generate import files with consistent SKU data.
  • CHAR-5347: Order Routing now points to RIS in all production environments.
  • CHAR-5331: The jobs service has been upgraded to Java 17.
  • CAT-4051: A null check for subscriptions has been added to the event service, providing better error handling when a subscription for a notification was deleted.

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • COM-8300: Gateway definition calls were not being properly cached. The logic for this request has been improved to utilize the cache appropriately.
  • CHAR-5272: Inputting invalid postal codes broke the order routing location synchronization, which has been updated so that the sync will reject invalid messages instead.
  • CHAR-5271: RIS was not handling messages that couldn't deserialize properly, resulting in errors and messages being requeued. Now, RIS will handle these issues by discarding messages that can't be deserialized. 

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Slow EU Performance: CAT-4300
  • Return Restocks on Historical Orders: COM-8321 (reported by Conn's)
  • Line Items Missing Sale Price: COM-8298 (reported by French Toast)
  • Canceled Transfer Charges: COM-8180 (reported by Al Futtaim Group)
  • Shipping Labels Not Appearing: FFMT-4210 (reported by Al Futtaim Group)