Develop a custom endpoint in the extensible gateway adapter in order to generate a session and token … In order to support sending the Google Pay token to a gateway provider, you need to provide the name … You can now place orders with Google Pay.
Last Updated: 08/07/2023 in Release Notes
Targeted for Production Tenants PayPal payment capture was not submitting a currency code with API calls … Targeted for Production Tenants Using an API request to filter location results from location groups … Return & Restock Locations: Customer service representatives can now identify a return location while
If you do not specify a Payment Status filter, all orders are downloaded to ShipWorks when they move … Kibo does not download orders that move to Complete, because complete orders have already shipped. … If you do not specify an Order Status filter, all orders are downloaded to ShipWorks when they meet the
cannot use purchase orders as a payment option. … Specifically, it does so to calculate tax using a custom function for Minnesota shoppers, while using … /commerce/order'); var CustomerResourceFactory = require('mozu-node-sdk/clients/commerce/customer/accounts
The amount of work you must do to process orders depends on your app configuration. … You can use this setting to optimize performance for customers making low-value orders that do not carry … Select merchant_defined_data7 as the Order Element and give the field a logical name, such as Email .
Last Updated: 03/04/2024 in User Guides Inventory
The Real-Time Inventory Service (RIS) provides accurate and real-time inventory visibility to your e-commerce … your custom theme in a similar manner as to API variables in email templates . … While you may use the RIS APIs as your main method of retrieving inventory counts, you can supplement
Last Updated: 02/09/2024 in Release Notes
If the site setting “Edit data on shipment” is enabled but the user does not have the “Order Update – … With this update, they will no longer be allowed to do this. … Suggestion Log Updates: The Get Suggestion Log API for Order Routing has been updated to return location
Last Updated: 09/12/2024 in User Guides Content
Images are stored as documents in the Content service. … To upload a custom sitemap: Create your custom sitemap outside of the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform … If you try to do so, the Move button will be disabled.
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/updateCredit operation … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}/associate-to-shopper? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/associateCreditToShopper … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/changePassword operation. … HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/accounts/{accountId}/Change-Password? … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/credits/? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/addCredit operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/addressvalidation/? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/addressvalidation operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/resendCreditCreatedEmail … HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}/Resend-Email Request Body No request body content … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/getCredit operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}/associate-to-shopper? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/associateCreditToShopper … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/accounts/Add-Account-And-Login? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/addAccountAndLogin operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/transactions/getTransactions … HTTP Request GET api/commerce/customer/credits/transactions/{code}/transactions? … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/accounts/{accountId}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/updateAccount operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/transactions/addTransaction … HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/credits/transactions/{code}/transactions? … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).