Release Notes

The Kibo Composable Commerce Platform (KCCP), formerly known as the Unified Commerce Platform, is an actively developed SaaS platform with bi-weekly release cycles. Kibo's release process is to first release versions for testing to the sandbox environment. The version is then deployed to production two weeks later (except for during the code freeze that occurs in peak season).
The release notes listed below name the new version and its release date to the sandbox environment. On that date, the version in the title will be deployed to the sandbox while the previous version will go to production.

December 15, 2020 — 1.2049 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features There are no features targeted for your production tenants. Production Sandbox Features Curbside Functionality Notification Updates: Previously, the Customer In Transit and Customer At Curbside events only trigger...

December 1, 2020 — 1.2047 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features There are no features targeted for your production tenants. Production Sandbox Features eCommerce and Order Management Functionality Reprint Shipping Documents: After a Ship to Home or Transfer shipment has been f...

November 17, 2020 — 1.2045 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features There are no features targeted for your production tenants. Production Sandbox Features Order Management Functionality Shopper Notifications: Updates have been made to the SMS notifications used in the BOPIS fulfi...

November 5, 2020 — 1.2043 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Search Functionality Search Schema Editor, Search Settings UIs, and APIs: Kibo Search is receiving user interface features and capabilities that were previously only made available through the use of the Search API....

October 20, 2020 — 1.2041 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features eCommerce Functionality Order Minimum Discount Enhancement:  A new discount setting, usePostDiscountedOrderValue, has been added that improves order-level discounts with minimum order total requirements. When th...

October 6, 2020 — 1.2039 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features eCommerce and Order Management Functionality Session Timeout:  When a user session expires due to inactivity, the user is redirected to the login page when they attempt to perform another action. An error messag...

September 22, 2020 — 1.2037 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features eCommerce Functionality Acknowledge Credit Error:  An option to “Acknowledge Error” can now be selected in the payments view of an order in the Order Admin UI when an error occurs on a credit. Select...

December 15, 2020 — 1.2049 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Note SOLR Search Upgrade:  Kibo Search is being upgraded from SOLR 5 to SOLR 8. Elements of this upgrade are going into both production tenants and sandboxes in this release, and will improve search functionality. Production Tenant Fea...

August 25, 2020 — 1.2033 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features eCommerce Functionality Social Content Application Update:  The social content application that can be integrated with a storefront has been updated to reflect the current Instagram authorization needs and data ...

August 11, 2020 — 1.2031 Service Update

12/26/2022Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features eCommerce Functionality Canadian Zip Mappings:  Latitude/longitude-based zip code mappings, a format used by Canadian addresses”A0A 0A0″, are now supported to allow validation of these addresses and ...