Last Updated: 07/24/2024 in User Guides Marketing
You do not have to deactivate the coupon before deleting, but Kibo recommends making sure a coupon is … To remove a coupon set via API, simply make a DELETE call to the Delete Coupon Set API endpoint with … API.
Last Updated: 05/16/2024 in User Guides Subscriptions
This is the payments.interactions.gatewayResponseCode field of Order API data and is also displayed on … After this number of days have passed, the recycled payment will not be attempted any further. … Enter the supported Payment Types as a comma-separated list.
The Status drop-down menu does not appear if you did not previously select a specific catalog. … (Optional) Add any applicable properties, categories and SEO information to the gift card. … (Optional) Enter a Short Description , a Full Description , and add a Product Image .
Last Updated: 08/01/2024 in Developers API Guides
To get current information in these fields, Kibo's Google Feed APIs retrieve the data in a CSV file, … fields such as gender, color, size, material, and fabric. … Sample API to Create the Export Here is an example API to create the export. curl --location 'https:/
Last Updated: 02/11/2025 in User Guides Catalog Products
You can also use a Postman Runner to update products with the Kibo Catalog APIs. … in order to boost search results. … Once added, you can click any of the catalogs in the list to configure the product specifically within
Shoppers can pay with a credit card, check, gift card, or store credit. … You can use any payment method that's enabled on the applicable site. … If you process a payment outside of the platform, such as through a third-party like PayPal or at a brick-and-mortar
For example, if enabled then a red shirt and a blue shirt would be listed as separate products. … Select what Return Fields should be included in the API response. … if you want product variants to be displayed separately in the API results.
instead run before or after a shopper requests a specific page on your storefront, such as the checkout … There are two types of API Extension actions: HTTP actions and Embedded actions. … HTTP Actions These actions act on the HTTP request-response protocol associated with an API endpoint.
View a sandbox. In Admin, go to System > Customization > API Extensions. … When deploying an API Extensions application to production, set this value to Error to avoid performance … function, but other functions can run multiple functions. applicationKey The application key of the API
tags of individual order items from the Orders UI. … API Responses You can also view tagged inventory segments when retrieving inventory data from the API … Segmented inventory is displayed in the Inventory UI and Inventory API data, and you can manage the inventory
or ad hoc data exploration. … Explores are a collection of views focused on a particular data model used for creating custom reports … views: Order View Order Payment View Orders Explore The Orders explore focuses on facts about orders
the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required). … trackingNumber": "string" } For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API … trackingNumber": "string" } For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API
the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required). … trackingNumber": "string" } For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API … trackingNumber": "string" } For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API
Last Updated: 08/07/2023 in User Guides Search Search Schema
This analyzer does not perform stemming, which means "food" and "foods" in pages 1 and 2 are considered … For example, a "Size" field that where values such as "Small" or "Large" are possible. … This analyzer also disregards term order, meaning page 3 is also considered equivalent. lenient is a
", "totalCount": "int" } For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API … determines the localized content to use and display. correlationId string The unique identifier of the API … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
Action Simulator The Action Simulator produces a mock context that you can utilize in your API Extension … The recommended method of testing API Extension applications is to use the Action Simulator in conjunction … test files to simulate data from Kibo and verify that your functions run as expected.
Last Updated: 07/30/2024 in User Guides Catalog Products
If you do not specify a value for this field, Kibo eCommerce defaults the value of this field to the … Outside of this time frame, scheduled products do not appear in search results and are not listed in … case you want to remove it from the catalog after a certain period of time as well) or a "first available
Last Updated: 08/21/2024 in User Guides Orders
While Order Management-only implementations do not support a storefront checkout, orders are still imported … The guides in this section detail general order information (such as order statuses and attributes), … The Order Process When a shopper with an active cart proceeds to checkout, an order is created.
shopper must pay for the extra value. … You can use the order of the list values as the order of facet values on storefront pages by using the … You can also make another product an extra, known as a product extra, such as a camera mount that can
Last Updated: 11/18/2022 in User Guides B2B
This is useful when the buyer knows the name or product code of the items they need to purchase and do … When logged in to the storefront, a buyer can click Quick Order from the account options to open the … Quick Order form.