Note that this process does not serve the same function as a standard order with one fulfillment address … The Multiple Shipments API instead uses a Checkout model that has a collection of Destinations to represent … Checkout Resource During the checkout process, the API creates the Checkout resource to track a shopper's
Last Updated: 02/09/2024 in Release Notes
CCLastFour in Emails: As a follow-up to the recent addition of the ccLastFour field in the Order API … is not set, then the emails will continue to display as they already do. … Fulfillment Functionality Long Tracking Numbers: The GET Shipment API response will now include a new
Last Updated: 08/05/2024 in Developers Event Notifications
appropriate API using the notification's entityID value - such as GET Shipment , GET Order , or GET … This does not cover all possible events, but includes both return and order topics that use the basic … For more general information about notification APIs, how they are formatted, or the full list of notification
Last Updated: 09/13/2024 in User Guides Orders
If you select a Yes/No type for the attribute, the value defaults to No if a user does not explicitly … By default, order attributes are only captured during checkout and the system does not reprice orders … This will be visible at both the subscription level and order level for any future continuity orders
Last Updated: 07/29/2024 in User Guides Marketing
date range does not fit into the campaign's date range. … you can do so from the respective Discounts , Merchandizing Rules , and Content Editor UIs. … In the Discounts tab, add any discounts to the campaign.
Last Updated: 12/03/2024 in Developers Dev Center
A role is a collection of permissions that defines what a user can do in Dev Center. … You can also browse third-party applications and install them on a sandbox from the App Marketplace instead … Steven as a Marketer, he cannot perform the marketing role in Dev Account A.
Last Updated: 03/10/2023 in User Guides Orders
If the product quantity in the order does not equal the minimum purchasable quantity in the volume pricing … a price list with an existing or pending order to override any of the product pricing in the order. … If you associate a price list that has volume pricing with an order, for any applicable products in the
Last Updated: 02/13/2025 in User Guides Catalog Products
However, product variant details that do not deviate from the base product are shown on the site as part … If you do not specify either a relative or explicit price for each variant, the variant's price and weight … field in the Kibo eCommerce API product variations object .
Last Updated: 02/18/2025 in User Guides Order Routing
Note that this does not calculate based on the rates of any other carriers. … match (can fulfill some of the order items), or no match (cannot fulfill any items in the order). … for future delivery so that it does not block the available items from being consolidated and shipped
Two Way The Two Way expansion type does not include a term, but instead only contains a list of synonyms … However, if a user searches for "top," the search results will not include results for "blouse" or any … This is a one way expansion; the search results are not expanded to the term or any other listed synonyms
Last Updated: 07/30/2024 in User Guides Catalog Products
You are able to cancel the update, but doing so will not revert any changes that were already completed … You are able to cancel the update, but doing so will not revert any changes that were already completed … You are able to cancel the update, but doing so will not revert any changes that were already completed
Last Updated: 09/26/2023 in User Guides Locations
You can associate a location with any number of location types. … Location types act as templates that determine how all locations of a certain type interact with a site … Location types typically represent each distinct type of location you use to sell products, but does
Last Updated: 01/17/2023 in User Guides Search Search Schema
Custom Attributes refer to any unique product attributes you've created. Select an attribute. … "gloves" matches with this analyzer, while the term "fireplace" does not. code_exact A code search analyzer … This analyzer does not use stopword filtering and synonym expansion to prevent undesirable interactions
Five KTP will be available at Location A on any future date(s) but the KTP2 items do not have an expected … However, five KTP3 do not have an expected date. … Five KTP will be available at Location A on any future date(s) while five KTP3 will be available at Location
Unlike ranking modification, pinning a result does not lock all results above it. … Any positive value above 0 is a boost, while any negative value is a bury. … When a user searches using any of the terms associated with an active rule, the boost and bury conditions
Last Updated: 12/11/2023 in User Guides Search Search Schema
Once you have saved any changes, you have two options. … having non-standard fields returned code_exact Used for product codes code_lenient Split on dashes and dots … By also choosing category as a Core Field Type, however, searches can also include results such as "Women's
The system does not validate the refund amount, so you should validate it prior to submitting the refund … , then the system will attempt to automatically void any authorized payments. … This will only display information for gateway gift card payments, not for any other payment type.
To do so, click the Add icon and enter a number from 0 to 100. … This means that the individual terms only need to exist across any given fields to be considered a match … to be treated as a match.
Last Updated: 07/30/2024 in User Guides Subscriptions
If you do not provide a recurrence, then the discount will apply to every continuity order. … any quantity of Item A, Item B, and Item C. … You can also set any required products or categories that must be purchased in order for the discount
Last Updated: 02/28/2025 in User Guides B2B
validated at the time of release to ensure they do not exceed any quantity restrictions you have set … Manual Order Release If you chose to manually release B2B orders, you can do so from the Orders UI. … as shown below.