Release Notes

The Kibo Composable Commerce Platform (KCCP), formerly known as the Unified Commerce Platform, is an actively developed SaaS platform with bi-weekly release cycles. Kibo's release process is to first release versions for testing to the sandbox environment. The version is then deployed to production two weeks later (except for during the code freeze that occurs in peak season).
The release notes listed below name the new version and its release date to the sandbox environment. On that date, the version in the title will be deployed to the sandbox while the previous version will go to production.

April 18, 2023 — 1.2314 Service Update

04/13/2023Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Catalog Activate/Deactivate Campaigns:  Campaigns can now be manually activated and deactivated from a toggle in their campaign settings. If activated, the campaign will honor the start/end date but if deactiv...

April 4, 2023 — 1.2312 Service Update

03/30/2023Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Catalog Removed Product Ranking: Product ranking rules have been hidden on the Category edit page as well as from the Main > Marketing navigation menu, as that functionality is now available via Search Merchandi...

March 21, 2023 — 1.2310 Service Update

03/16/2023Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Fulfiller Substitution Partial Quantity Setting : Substitutions will now respect the "Do Not Allow Partial Quantity at Validate Stock" location group setting . If this setting is enabled, then fulfillers...

March 7, 2023 — 1.2308 Service Update

03/02/2023Megan Mayfield
In this release, the production tenant updates will be releasing to US tenants on Wednesday, March 8. They will still be released to EU tenants on Tuesday, March 7. Production Tenant Features Fulfiller Substitutes in Packing Slips:  Pac...

February 22, 2023 — 1.2306 Service Update

02/16/2023Megan Mayfield
Note: While 1.2306 sandbox updates are being released on February 22, the production tenant updates will be released on February 23 instead. Production Tenant Features Fulfiller Laser Printer Size Update : Laser printer labels are now request...

February 7, 2023 — 1.2304 Service Update

02/02/2023Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Catalog Quick Edits Update : The Quick Edits process for Update Attributes has been updated so that you can now add values to a multi-value property, where previously you could only replace their current values. Wh...

January 24, 2023 — 1.2302 Service Update

01/19/2023Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features Subscriptions Order Reminder Email: This subscription email  is sent prior to a continuity order being automatically generated from a subscription. The number of days in advance that this reminder is sent is d...

January 10, 2023 — 1.2252 Service Update

01/06/2023Megan Mayfield
Production Tenant Features and Bug Fixes As the first production release after the holiday season, this includes all updates released to sandboxes during code freeze: 1.2248 Updates Subscriptions Subscription Coupons Update : Coupons are n...

December 13, 2022 — 1.2248 Service Update

12/13/2022Megan Mayfield
These updates are being added to sandbox alongside the sandbox features and bug fixes from Versions 1.2242, 1.2244, and 1.2246. Production Sandbox Features Subscriptions Subscription Coupons Update : Coupons are now better supported in subscr...

December 1, 2022 — 1.2246 Service Update

12/13/2022Megan Mayfield
These updates are being added to sandbox alongside the sandbox features and bug fixes from Versions 1.2242 and 1.2244. Production Sandbox Features Catalog Quick Edit Hover Message : When the product table on the Quick Edits page is locked, ...